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[quote=macters]Hello guys can u help me how to make this transparent?
Thank you for all your support..
Recent Updates: [ visible to all ]
updated her profile - 9 hours ago
added new friend - 3 days ago
added new photo - 4 days ago
received new comment - 1 week ago
updated featured friends - 2 weeks ago[/quote]
go to dis page ...
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Hello guys thak's for the code wer do i put the css code in about me section?
And how i can put image bg of (CUSTOMIZE STATUS)?
Thank's a lot.
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wow... it comes handy to those newbies!! and [b]lazy[/b]
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Pls Help Me!! My Friends Are Missing In My Profile I Dunno What Happened? I Want To Show Them Not Hide Them. Pls Help
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can please someone help me w/ mah profyl...
i want to have a who's viewed me box and a chatbox... but i just can't make one..
can someone help me make my who's viewed me box and a chatbox
or should i sy...
can someone make me a who's viewed me box.. and a chatbox
i want the colors to be pink and black...
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[quote=macters]Hello guys thak's for the code wer do i put the css code in about me section?
click dis link
for d' recent upd8s box (w. background)
CREDITS goes to Ms. IRZH
<">jz change d' URL OF IMAGE...
w/ ur url
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uhhhmmm...i just wanna ask if there are any OVERLAY Lay outs that have complete navigation...
aside from the basic navigation like,home,friends,photos,.....are there OVERLAYS that also shows
the LIST of the groups that the owner had joined or made????
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one question. where does the REVIEW box exactly located? i need answer. badly
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[quote=tRiNa`]one question. where does the REVIEW box exactly located? i need answer. badly [/quote]
You can access review box underneath edit profile on your homepage
and it is located between your PHOTO GALLERY and BLOGS on your profile
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[quote=diabolicious][quote=tRiNa`]one question. where does the REVIEW box exactly located? i need answer. badly [/quote]
You can access review box underneath edit profile on your homepage
and it is located between your PHOTO GALLERY and BLOGS on your profile[/quote]
review section cant read scripts anymore..
i hope you have read.. latest updates..
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this directory helps alot
I always visit this thread
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please help me to make my profile!!!.... please
this is my email add>>> patrick_colinares@yahoo.com i shall wait 4 ur reply.
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[b]i need some help! ok here is my problem..i used the code for the transparent shoutbox..it worked properly..i pasted it in my media box as it was instructed..after a while i decided to change my background i tried opening the customized page..but all it says is
can anybody help me??please?? [/b]
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Ei. Could someone help me in centering my personalized logo? plSss. thanks!!
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