yap sis,, don't be so naughty,, are yah sure you read my reply?!,, hhmm,, please [b]DO[/b] understand that [b]StiCky CaPs[/b] is not allowed,, okies?!,,
i'll post my reply again,, so you can read it well,,
[quote]hhmm,, Ate joana,, please listen to the Moderators,, hhmm,, just always remember this,,

Moderators know best?!,, haha!!
@to all mods,, :peace:!! haha,,
okay?! i'm also using sticky caps before,, hehehe,,
but moderators told me not to use it,, so i stopped,,
i hope you understand,, okies?! hehe,,
and one more thing,,
we can only use Tagalog in Philippine Section,,
coz this is an international forum,,
thanks! =P[/quote]
can you understand that?!,, please DO understand it okay?! it's for ur own good,, if u wanna stay in this forums,, please follow instructions,,
Last edited by theejhay (2007-01-19 12:55:35)