Here is a funny way to fool someone by using an ALERT MESSAGE BOX trick. The following script is a VBScript (Visual Basic Script) for an Alert Message box.
I know some of you knows this already, but I just want to share this to you 'coz I burst out in laughters after my friend panicked after clickng on the file that I had made

Here are the steps.
1. Open your Notepad and type this:
[quote]x = MsgBox("[b]YOUR MESSAGE HERE[/b]",[b]FORMAT NUMBER FOR BUTTON/ICON[/b],"TITLE")[/quote]
Just change the [b]BOLD[/b] text to anything you want.
For the [b]FORMAT NUMBER BUTTON/ICON[/b], choose from the list below with some of its actual appearance
0 = OK button only [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/0andnone.JPG[/img]
1 = OK and Cancel buttons [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/1.JPG[/img]
2 = Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/2.JPG[/img]
3 = Yes, No, and Cancel buttons [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/3.JPG[/img]
4 = Yes and No buttons [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/4.JPG[/img]
5 = Retry and Cancel buttons [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/5.JPG[/img]
16 = Critical Message icon [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/16.JPG[/img]
32 = Warning Query icon [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/32.JPG[/img]
48 = Warning Message [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/48.JPG[/img]
64 = Information Message icon [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/64.JPG[/img]
none = Normal Message box [img]http://allvinn.fileave.com/0andnone.JPG[/img]
2. After you had modify your code, save it as [i]yourownfilename.vbs[/i].
3. To activate it, just open it

To fool someone,
1. save the file on another folder, (Ex. in My Documents)
2. Right-click on the file, and select Send To then click on Desktop (create shortcut)
3. On the shortcut you had made on your desktop, right-click on it and select Properties
4. Click on the Shortcut tab and click on Change Icon... then select your desired icon.
5. Click OK, then rename your file to something that suits the icon given.
My example is:
Last edited by allvinn (2007-10-27 08:06:31)