Regarding those members who post in sTicKy cApS, I suggest that whenever a member does that in a particular thread where you're moderating at, I think we ourselves edit those posts. And then, put sumthin like this (for example):
[quote=jOnna],ei 2 evEryOne i'm sOrry iF i pOst in [b]"sTiCk caps"[/b] seCtion, i'm reaLLy sOrry

from that one into:
[quote=jOnna],ei 2 everyone i'm sorry if i post in [b]"sTiCk caps"[/b] section, i'm reaLLy sorry

[color=#FF0000]EDITED the [b]StiCkY cApS[/b] by `mizeL. Avoid repeating or you'll be banned if Admin catches you.[/color][/quote]

[i]Taray noh?[/i] Hehe. That is, if you're patient enough to edit 'em. Especially those long posts! Gawshhh. There are members who are just so [i]pasaway[/i]. I know they understand the rules, but they just love avoiding those. So disgusting.

Also, same thing goes to double posting, multiple posting, and ALL CAPS.

Hope you all agree.