[quote=bobcbar][quote=!?]from fm...
thats a reply to a guy's post there in putting an icon below controlpanel butons...
if u want just pm me at ym and i'll make yu a code better than the controlpanel buttons i have in my page...[/quote]
I've decided agianst using this code for now, but really want a status bar code that works

uhmm.. status bar??? try this..
just apply in JS file...

anyway, status bar effect doesnt work in IE7..
[quote=fando91]@ lordheinz
can i have a preview please??[/quote]
check my page..
i placed it in the shoutout box..

edited... i come up with a better one..

<">with matching blinking of the cursor effect..
Last edited by xavierkym (2007-11-01 14:53:29)