There was one time (I think it was on my 5th grade) when my mom and I decided to highlight my hair with deep pink.
We were juz experimenting that time, and it turned out to be..
All my hair's in pink!
I look so stupid that time, I have to go to school always wearing a cap. Haha!
Oh well, I remember my gradeschool days.
My classmates were laughing at my hair!
Haha! I was so embarrased that time! Hehe.
It was so hilarious for me and my mom's insisting that it looked good on me since I have a fair complexion.
Duh, I was like, [i]amerikanang hilaw[/i].
Can you imagine that?!
But oh well, past is past.
Now I remember, I was in my 4th grade that time!
Last edited by `mizeL (2007-02-02 09:41:56)