• » [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

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[b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

[b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

[b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for ADD-ONS Preview as compatible with 4 popular Browsers .... [b]Advantage : [color=blue] NO LIMIT Add-ons on TOP of ALL !. For NEWBIES Concern !. Compatible @ SAFARI / apple Browser ; Opera ; IE 7 and FirefoX Now ...[/color][/b] [quote]http://theftalk.com/t15612-MOD%27s-Delete-this-thread-please-Sorry....html Nice tutorial and trick! Great job my friend [color=blue]From BOB : My friend there is no reason to remove your tutorial is was similar to those already posted but your codes and tutorial offered a wider range of possibilities to use the code.[/color] Same : He had a list of different codes that could be added in the banner area of our profiles including the slideshow, mp3, cbox etc... From XyvierKym : May I know the reason why the thread starter deleted his code? And what's the code for?. [color=red]THANKS , BOB and Xavierkym ....[/color][/quote] :arrow: :thumbsup: =) [color=blue]For JS Newbies : :wallbash: [/color] [b][color=blue]............TESTED as January 15, 2008.........BELOW !.......Part of your External .js Extension Codes better to put after the WVMe with Photo's or UP to You !....... :thumbsdown: [/color][/b] [color=red]ALL Previews Given below are Best View in IE 7 USERS BUT StiLL works in Firefox and other Browsers too... !. :thumbsup: =) [/color] [color=teal][b]RTW : READY TO WORK [/b] !. [/color]Maybe the preview will [color=red]NOT [/color]exactly as it is because from time to time I am experimenting / change my type of OBJECTS @ my pages ; music and others as a part of my Codes Experimentation BUT the codes are stiLL the same.... TESTED !. Best view in IE 7 Users.. :o [color=blue]I POSTED HERE as What I have for those Interesting person around :globe: !. Mp3 Player must have a CREDIT to :arrow: [/color][color=blue] : MERCED !... As the easiest way ... EVER !. :thumbsup: =) The Mp3 that is intact with the Codes is : From My FRIEND as what I am using at my own page ![/color] <">FREE to Use and to change with your OWN : Change only this from a given Pattern. [quote]http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/10/31/1556047/alvin.swf[/quote] Preview : http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [color=red]YOUTUBE Auto play :[/color] <">Preview : http://profiles.friendster.com/27557871 [color=red]IMEEM :[/color] <">Preview : [b]Using more add-ons on TOP !. :arrow: [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/27525575 [color=red]SLIDE :[/color] <">[color=red]Follow the rules above from IE 7 Compatibilty Features on how to change the necessary things that need to change as SIZES , URL of your OWN and others...... Tested !. No limit pattern..... Try to watch at my page from both ..... IE 7 and Firefox but different CSS Design and some add-ons formatted ......[/color] [color=blue]NO LIMIT [/color]!. If you want to replace any / other sections just simply replace the target and also analyze the (2) ; [color=red]var and function [/color] command's name on putting ALL your JS External Codes NOT to have a common var title !. SAMPLE : Try to Analyze this part from the given Code : :arrow: [quote]document.getElementById('[color=red]TARGET SECTION HERE[/color]').style.overflowX='hidden'; document.getElementById('[color=red]TARGET SECTION HERE[/color]').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('[color=red]TARGET SECTION HERE[/color]').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+sandoval+"</td></tr></table>";[/quote] [color=teal]Example : [/color] [color=red]footer_container[/color] Hope it will HELP the newbies LIKE ME Outhere !......... :penguin: [color=teal]Other way of using it as TESTED @ IE 7 only the NEXT type of Codes command. Hopefully it works in other browsers too !!!... :thumbsup: :ninja: [/color] [color=blue] Part of your JS Extension , :arrow: :cool: ALL are TESTED by the given Samples ; kindly check the type of browsers you are using for this !...[/color] [color=teal][b]RTW : READY TO USE [/b] !. [/color][color=red]Maybe the preview will Not exactly as it is because from time to time I want to change my type of videos ; music and others as a part of my Codes Experimentation BUT the codes are stiLL the same.... TESTED !. Best view in IE 7 Users.. :o [/color] [color=blue]I made as What I have to for the Interesting person around :globe: !. Mp3 Player must have a CREDIT to :arrow: [/color][color=blue] : MERCED !... As the easiest way ... EVER !. :thumbsup: =) The Mp3 that is intact with the Codes is : From My FRIEND as what I am using at my own page ![/color] [color=red]My Mp3 @ NAV :::::::::::: Free to use as Authorized by the GIVER and also ME as a User of this Mp3 !. :thumbsup: =) [/color] <">If you want to use your own : this part as shown below : Change only the URL Address and also the width and height according to your need !. [quote]http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/10/31/1556047/alvin.swf[/quote] Preview : http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [color=red]IMEEM Autoplay @ NAV ::::::::::: Of course FREE !.... =D [/color] <">If you want to use your own IMEEM , free to change the sizes ; color and fonts also the URL's . this is what the URL : IMEEM Autoplay : [quote]http://media.imeem.com/pl/DjO4MOcovK/[color=red]autoShuffle=true/[/color][/quote] NOT autoplay : [quote]http://media.imeem.com/pl/DjO4MOcovK/[color=red]aus=false/[/color][/quote] Preview : http://profiles.friendster.com/27525575 [color=red]YOUTUBE Auto-play @ NAV :::::: Also this one : Angels : by Robbie Williams .... :thumbsup: [/color] <">This set-up at auto play ; if you want to use with your own video . Always GET the URL address from embed codes NOT from the direct URL of youtube video.... Sample : :arrow: [quote]embed [color=red]enableJavascript='false' allowScriptAccess='never' allownetworking='internal' [/color]src='http://www.youtube.com/v/lUCdDzfEsF4&rel=1[color=red]&autoplay=1'[/color][/quote] [b]RELATED TOPIC : :arrow: [/b] http://theftalk.com/t16327-Embed-Videos-Music-Comments-only%29.html Preview : http://profiles.friendster.com/27557871 [color=green]Maybe , I am using another Video NOT exactly this one BUT it is TESTED Already !... =) [/color] [color=blue]Related topic Here as Pattern each other !. you can elaboarate and explore this command to do it more like this in each and every section you wanted to : =) [/color] http://theftalk.com/t14578-LOGO-Replacement-Users.html http://theftalk.com/t11207-Updated-MERLIN-Wizard-Knows-VIEWERs.html [color=teal]You can Costumize it up to No Limit add-ons , the Advantage is : [b]It is at the upper / TOP of your page , the first thing that your Visitors will able to SEE[/b]....... Those type of codes are costumizable in any sections you wanted to.... :arrow: =) [/color] [color=red]PREVIEW[/color] [color=blue]New Trick ADDED this way !... :arrow: =) [/color] [color=red]asn585 SLIDE.com / Rockyou.com / any sliding photos @ NAV[/color] <">[color=green]YOU MUST CHANGE ONLY THIS WITH YOUR OWN.... :arrow: From the given code : [/color] [color=red][quote]YOUR SLIDE NUMBER HERE[/quote] [/color] It has an accurate width as the size of the original Friendster Banner ; just only change the height according to your needs... :o [quote]width:100%;height:200px[/quote] PREVIEW : Best view in IE 7 Users... :paranoid: http://profiles.friendster.com/alvinoche HOPE IT GIVES YOU A LOT OF TRICKS !!!.... [color=red]CBOX on TOP !. as what I said last time ; No limit add-ons !... :arrow: =) [/color] RELATED TOPIC : For CBOX Configuration !... :arrow: http://theftalk.com/t8446-AntiPoser-Cbox-With-Smilies-Updated.html <">Change also the sizes : width and heigth ; it is a 100 % on width as a banner size... [quote]width='[color=red]100[/color]%' height='300'[/quote] Do NOT Forget to put the onload command of smilies anywhere at your JS external codes ; more info on related topic at link above !... This code :[color=blue]Put This Below On JScript !...[/color] <">Preview on my page as TESTER Page for these add-ons !!!..... :cool: [color=red] ALL Previews are Best view in IE 7 Users... [/color] Hope it will help !... Need to............ :penguin: :ninja: [color=blue]YOU WANT TO PUT THE REPLACEMENT ADD-ONS AT YOUR FOOTER !. YESSSSSS... Try to analyze the simple pattern as sample : CBOX Anti-poser.... :wallbash: [/color] [color=red]CBOX or any embed's Sample above @ FOOTER !... This way or any of the Above ...Just simply replace the target like this... :arrow: [/color] Example CBOX : Anti-poser... =) Part of your JS Extension !!!... :thunder: <">Change also the sizes : width and heigth ; it is a 100 % on width as a FOOTER size... [quote]width='[color=red]100[/color]%' height='300'[/quote] Do NOT Forget to put the onload command of smilies anywhere at your JS external codes ; more info on related topic at link above !... This code :[color=blue]Put This Below On JScript !...[/color] <">See you later .... Need to............ :penguin: =) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cool: [b][color=blue]Please Check the advantage of using BANNER for your add-ons as NO LIMIT !. It will give you so many things to put on ...[/color][/b]... See you !........ :penguin: NO LIMIT Add-ons @ the BOTTOM , this link below !. For NEWBIES Concern !. http://theftalk.com/t16212-FRIENDSTERTALK-Website-Profile.html [b][color=blue]Works @ ALL BROWSERS the Codes @ the Link : Above !. Add-ons @ BOTTOM..[/color][/b] Need to.......... :penguin:

Last edited by asn585 (2008-01-15 18:13:59)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

nice one.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

[color=Darkred] ill Try This OnE .... Tnx FoR SharinG :penguin: :penguin: [/color]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

wow! nice code! but the problem is im just a beginner when it comes to javascript! still learning but tnx 4 sharing ds will gonna be a big help to everyone who is fully aware of what your talking about! tnx!
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

:ninja: whoaahh tnx men :ninja:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

from my xperience.. try to reduce this script for ur page.. just an opinion from me =)
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

cool thx for sharing :D :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

hey,,.,dis is sooo cool.....u rock...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

OMG! i saw ur profile...kewl! :thumbsup: nice
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

[quote][b][color=blue]Thanks 2 ALL of YOU !.[/color][/b][/quote] TRICKS for the JS already Users know how to modified the Codes : This code will make it easily attach at your External JS Files / Codes by putting and editing it like this : After the.... :arrow: [quote]function onProfileLoad() { //onload handler var sandoval = "<embed src=\"http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/10/31/1556047/alvin.swf\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"600\" height=\"440\" wmode=\"transparent\"></embed></object></div><br>"+ "</center></div>"; document.getElementById('navLang').style.overflowX='hidden'; document.getElementById('navLang').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('navLang').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+sandoval+"</td></tr></table>"; [b][color=red]Other add-ons HERE Starting [/color] [color=blue]var title = [/color][/b] then it will END at this sign [color=red]; [/color] if you want to follow with the other add-on BUT if the add-ons are Completely done and it will follow by the SIDEAttachment Command either AddSideBar / AddBox or any... it will follow by this sign [color=red]} [/color] then the function addsidebar / ANYTYPE OF SIDEBAR COMMAND YOU HAVE... =)[/quote] [color=teal]Take Note : In any combination of JS Codes the onload command will vary / differ with each other depends on how you COMPILE your codes... Specially on how you MAKE ALL your add-ons will work properly not only at one browser BUT at least 2 or more Browsers Compatibility.... NOT totally WRONG Compilation of codes BUT some ERROR at JS Codes will trigger to your add-ons NOT to work properly or gives you another possible trouble. Just make your own pattern !. :thumbsup: YOU will see , after you made 2 or 3 add-ons working properly , you can analyze after that, more and more add-ons codes attachment by your OWn...[/color] [color=blue]JS CODES ARE NOT COPY AND PASTE ONLY unlike CSS Codes.... AVOID SCRIPT Cutting / Editing if you are NOT so familiar with that JS add-ons....[/color] Hope it will help !... Just SURFING Around...... :penguin:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

[b]Works @ ALL Browsers Now !. Thanks for the Friendster Filter Updates ... :thumbsup: =) [/b] Ciao........... :penguin:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

For the info you do not need onload handlers on the replace script. :lol: because it may conflict on the settimeout. =)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

hey!! i saw your proffy!! wow! this is very cool!
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

[quote]For the info you do not need onload handlers on the replace script. because it may conflict on the settimeout. ...[/quote] [b]YUP. It will but [/b] if you are going to add more add-ons using a replacement coding , it must be a part of an onload handler to make the wizard read the add-ons properly. Without the onload handler it will work but if you have an onload handler codes, it is better to put as part of it to read the JS add-ons properly. [color=blue]BUT it is up to the users technique...[/color]... I know it will stand alone but the advantage of using this way is for an IE users to make your JS compatible @ any browsers....... [quote]hey!! i saw your proffy!! wow! this is very cool!...[/quote] [b]Thanks !. ;) [/b] This is an additional idea only to make one profile / page will work @ any browsers available..... Such as IE ; FF ; Opera ; Safari / apple .... etc..... Only an info...... :ninja: Time to......... :penguin:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

Nice Code ill try this later :eh: :eh: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: =)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

:o :O :/ I think I can't read all of this...
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

thanks for sharing! ;)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

thanks for sharing,, :cool:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

[color=blue] [b]Welcome PO.... =) [/b] [/color] :penguin:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

thanks for this!! nice 1
  • » [b]Preview : =) Some changes @ previews but same codes... StiLL !. [/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/24272679 [b]@ ALL Browsers Compatibility[/b] .. To get some idea ???????.....TRY My page for AD

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