• » [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

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[b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

nice one diab :thumbsup: u made it first WVM+slide :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

[b]@asn585[/b] I guess it depends on your filehosting site :lol:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

[quote=diabolicious]OTher users are telling me that it crashes/hangs/freezes and I too experienced it.. I also suspected that its because of the css injection inside the JS extension so I updated it with feruzz' latest one and people still complain that their browsers are still crashes/hangs/freezes/. The browser is NOT RESPONDING. Im not using any of those loading or enter page and im only using a few iframes on my page.. hope you can help me![/quote] My friend like I said mine hangs and freezes all the time, making me reboot the computer unless I delete my temporary internet files first. I told all my friends to make sure they empty their temporary internet files before viewing either of my profiles, I wish I had the answer too :/
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

i uses the codes and it works well..but theres a problem...it conflicts with the other js codes(wvmcbox and chatbox that dont work)...then 2 wvm shows up..... how to solve this? thanks...
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

[quote=kyosuke1981]i uses the codes and it works well..but theres a problem...it conflicts with the other js codes(wvmcbox and chatbox that dont work)...then 2 wvm shows up..... how to solve this? thanks...[/quote] You need to compile your other js codes into the tracker.js, you are getting double WVM because you have more than 1 onload handler loading with ur codes. Mickys tutorial on compiling codes might help you...[url]http://theftalk.com/t15088-Compiling-codes-file-newbies.html[/url]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

oh thanks..but by the way..i dont now where to insert it? can u tell where should i insert it? [quote=// js injection var myjs = document.createElement("script"); myjs.type = "text/javascript"; myjs.src = "http://h1.ripway.com/kyosuke1981/viewermainphoto.js"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(myjs); // css injection var css = document.createElement("link"); css.type = "text/css"; css.rel = "stylesheet"; css.href = "http://h1.ripway.com/kyosuke1981/Deadly%20Attention.css"; css.media = "screen, print"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); //onload handler function onProfileLoad() { //insert generated boxes here //WeLcome Banner var header="Welcome Banner"; var code="<div align=\"center\"><embed src=\"http://www.spidertube.com/generator/ledticker/show.swf?baseURL=http://www.spidertube.com/generator/ledticker/&clickURL=http://www.spidertube.com/&clickLABEL=More Generator on http://www.spidertube.com&type=0&delaySpeed=80&transID=0&str=Gamers%20Alive%20and%20Kicking%21%21%21%21&bgColor=0&symbolX=9&w=7&h=5&pointType=point&glowColor=65280&designNum=1\" quality=\"high\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" width=\"431\" height=\"49\" name=\"show\" align=\"middle\" allowScriptAccess=\"sameDomain\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" /><br><small><a href=\"http://www.spidertube.com/\">More Generator on http://www.spidertube.com</a></small></div>"; addBox(header,code,"custombox_64",/commonbox[\s]*?controlpanel/i); //Globe Tracker var header="The Globe Tracker"; var code="<div align=\"center\"><embed src=\"http://www.spidertube.com/generator/globe/show.swf?cl1=65280&cl2=6684927&sh=59&si=79&ro=25&px0=173&py0=40&pc0=16711680&pt0=The%20World%20Map\" quality=\"high\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" width=\"197\" height=\"197\" name=\"show\" align=\"middle\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" /><br><small><a href=\"http://www.spidertube.com/\">More friendster Generators at http://www.spidertube.com/</a></small></div>"; addBox(header,code,"custombox_321",/commonbox[\s]*?groups/i); //Clocklink var header="The Clock"; var code="<embed src=\"http://www.clocklink.com/clocks/0018b-red.swf?TimeZone=GMT0800&\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" wmode=\"transparent\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\">"; addBox(header,code,"custombox_869",/commonbox[\s]*?friends/i); //Stickam Player var header="Stickam Player"; var code="<embed src=\"http://player.stickam.com/stickamPlayer/174310668-1836038\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"480\" height=\"480\" scale=\"noscale\" allowScriptAccess=\"always\"></embed>"; addBox(header,code,"custombox_10","right"); //Xatech Chat Box var header="Xat Tambayan Chat Box"; var code="<embed wmode=\"transparent\" src=http://www.xatech.com/web_gear/chat/chat.swf quality=high width=540 height=405 name=chat FlashVars=\"id=18318723\" align=\"middle\" allowScriptAccess=\"sameDomain\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://xat.com/update_flash.shtml\" /><br><small><a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"http://xat.com/web_gear/?cb\">Get your own Chat Box!</a> <a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"http://xat.com/web_gear/chat/go_large.php?id=18318723\">Go Large!</a></small><br>"+ "<img style=\"visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;\" border=0 width=0 height=0 src=\"http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/CIMP/Jmx*PTExOTMzNzUzNTMyMTgmcHQ9MTE5MzM3NTM2NDM1OSZwPTUzMTUxJmQ9Jm49.jpg\" />"; 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//CBox var header="My ChatBox"; var shoutmix="<!-- Begin ShoutMix - http://www.shoutmix.com -->"+ "<iframe title=\"samuselle\" src=\"http://www2.shoutmix.com/?kyosuke1981\" width=\"99%\" height=\"400\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"auto\">"+ "<a href=\"http://www2.shoutmix.com/?kyosuke1981\">View shoutbox</a>"+ "</iframe>"+ "<br /><a href=\"http://www.shoutmix.com\" title=\"Get your own free shoutbox at ShoutMix!\">Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix</a><br />"+ "<!-- End ShoutMix -->"; addBox(header,shoutmix,"custombox_873","right"); //Wvm Cbox var header="WVM Cbox"; var code="<!-- BEGIN CBOX - www.cbox.ws -->"+ "<div align=\"center\" id=\"cboxdiv\">"+ "<iframe frameborder=\"0\" width=\"160\" height=\"183\" src=\"http://www3.cbox.ws/box/?boxid=2727332&boxtag=9402&sec=main\" marginheight=\"2\" marginwidth=\"2\" scrolling=\"auto\" allowtransparency=\"yes\" name=\"cboxmain\" style=\"border:#000000 1px solid;\" id=\"cboxmain\"></iframe><br/>"+ "<iframe frameborder=\"0\" width=\"160\" height=\"197\" src=\"http://www3.cbox.ws/box/?boxid=2727332&boxtag=9402&sec=form\" marginheight=\"2\" marginwidth=\"2\" scrolling=\"no\" allowtransparency=\"yes\" name=\"cboxform\" style=\"border:#000000 1px solid;border-top:0px\" id=\"cboxform\"></iframe>"+ "</div>"+ "<!-- END CBOX -->"; addBox(header,code,"custombox_396",/standalonebox[\s]*?ads/i); //Photo Gallery Slide var slodde = "<embed src=\"http://widget-e7.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" quality=\"high\" scale=\"noscale\" salign=\"l\" wmode=\"transparent\" flashvars=\"cy=fr&il=1&channel=1152921504608021077&site=widget-e7.slide.com\" style=\"width:100%;height:125px\" name=\"flashticker\" align=\"middle\"/><div style=\"width:100%;text-align:center;\"><a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/photos/5542975\" target=\"_blank\"><b>View All Photo</a> | <a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/friendphotoupload.php?uid=5542975\" target=\"_blank\">Upload Photo Fo Me</b></a></div>"; document.getElementById('content_1').style.height='100%'; document.getElementById('content_1').style.overflowY='hidden'; document.getElementById('content_1').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+slodde+"</td></tr></table>"; //Icon Under Control Panel var penyuberenang; try {penyuberenang = document.createElement("div");} catch (e) {penyuberenang = document.createElement("<div>");} penyuberenang.innerHTML ="<img src='http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z97/klausrainier/amd.jpg'>"; penyuberenang.setAttribute("style","text-align:center;padding-top:10px"); document.getElementById("controlPanelButtons").parentNode.appendChild(penyuberenang); } //Tehrzky's Block Me edited by Evan_Evanescence if(pageViewerID==""){ alert("Please log in your FRIENDSTER account to view this page!"); top.location.href="http://www.friendster.com/login.php?next=/user.php?uid=USERID"; } if((pageViewerID != pageOwnerID) && (pageViewerID != "")) { var getnavBg = document.getElementById("navBg"); getnavBg.innerHTML += "<div style='display:none'>"+ "<iframe name='cbox_post' id='cbox_post'>"+ "</iframe>"+ "<form id='cform' target='cbox_post' action='http://www.cbox.ws/box/?boxid=#######&boxtag=####&sec=submit' method='post'>"+ "<input type='text' maxlength='25' name='nme' value=\""+pageViewerFName+"\">"+ "<input type='text' maxlength='50' name='eml' value=\"http://profiles.friendster.com/"+pageViewerID+"\">"+ "<input type='text' maxlength='200' name='pst' value='"+Date().replace(/\(.+\)/,"")+"'>"+ "<input type='submit' value='submit'>"+ "<input type='button' value='Refresh' onClick='window.wvmcboxmain.location.href=document.getElementById(\"wvmcboxmain\").src'>"+ "</form>"+ "</div>"; document.getElementById("cform").submit(); } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()}; function addBox(head,code,id,siblingafter) { /* head: html string title null - no header bar code: html string content id: unique string css pointer siblingafter: regexp classname 'left' - mainbar column end 'right' - sidebar column end */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(!head) head=""; else head="<h2>"+head+"</h2>"; li.innerHTML="<div id=\""+id+"\" class=\"commonbox "+id+"\">"+ head+ "<div id=\"content_"+id+"\">"+ code+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(siblingafter=="left") getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?controlpanel/i,null,"DIV")[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(li); else if(siblingafter=="right") getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?friends/i,null,"DIV")[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(li); else { var si=getElementsByClass(siblingafter,null,"DIV")[0]; si.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(li,si.parentNode); } } function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) { var classElements = new Array(); if ( node == null ) node = document; if ( tag == null ) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp(searchClass); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; } //Shoutbox function shoutoutcus(){ var ephemeral = "<div style='font-weight:bold;font-family:arial; color:#fffff0;'>cheers!.....<div style='font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;font-family:century gothic; color:#FF7F50;'>"+pageViewerFName+"<div style='font-weight:bold;font-family:arial; color:#fffff0;font-size:11px'>Ahaaa!..Sige silip pha!!!?Bago k umalis,magcomment ka muna ha?!..</div>"; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').style.height='100'; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').style.overflow='auto'; document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+ephemeral+"</td></tr></table>"; }setTimeout("shoutoutcus()",4000); //Youtube var header="My Youtube"; var code="<object width=\"425\" height=\"355\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/ZuQMn6Z0k_w&rel=1\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param><embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/ZuQMn6Z0k_w&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"></embed></object>"; addBox(header,code,"custombox_524",/commonbox[\s]*?fanof/i][/quote] and here's my mv.txt code: http://h1.ripway.com/kyosuke1981/new%20tracker/mv.txt thanks for the help....

Last edited by kyosuke1981 (2007-11-28 12:36:36)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

@kyosuke1981 Please next time you post codes use the code box above. It takes much less space and easier read. You just need to add the boxes after the onload handler within the tracker.js. Add them one at a time to make sure they work. Just follow mickys tutorial at the link I gave above.

Last edited by bobcbar (2007-11-28 17:47:23)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

[quote=kyosuke1981]i uses the codes and it works well..but theres a problem...it conflicts with the other js codes(wvmcbox and chatbox that dont work)...then 2 wvm shows up..... how to solve this? thanks...[/quote] It would be better to use your js injection for your wvmcbox because that conflicts with the code of your wvm or tracker & also with your chatbox...which is why in my example for compiling js I always had put wvmcbox for js injection....
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

one question.. wer do i edit the part wer it shows the number of pages? coz on mines its only upto 1 page and dats it i cant even view the recent viewers from before.. unlike the other wvm, u can also view the past viewers.. only 1 page on mines..help? =| click my link button under the siggy so that ull get the idea of wut am tokin' about.. for fire fox users only churi :D

Last edited by podo (2007-11-28 20:53:25)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

wow!! now its working.. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: thanks [b]bob[/b] and [b]diabolicious[/b].. :cool: but a have one question.. why my WVM us to slow or to late yo update tje viwers?! the last who viewed my page was on the latest flash on my WVM.. not the page i used.. im sorry, im not to good in english..
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

yeah it works in my dummy profile [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/55609274[/url] umm but it doesn't work in my own profile.. :paranoid: [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/goodboyflavour[/url]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

[align=center][b][color=#FF3399]nice one... :eh: :thumbsup: one bomb of a repu to you! :rose: [/color][/b][/align]

Last edited by AnimE_GuL (2007-11-28 22:11:41)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

[quote=podo]one question.. wer do i edit the part wer it shows the number of pages? coz on mines its only upto 1 page and dats it i cant even view the recent viewers from before.. unlike the other wvm, u can also view the past viewers.. only 1 page on mines..help? =| click my link button under the siggy so that ull get the idea of wut am tokin' about.. for fire fox users only churi :D[/quote] [b]locate this code the bold part shows the number of pages to be shown:[/b] [quote]$thispage = $PHP_SELF ; $num = count($items); $per_page = 4; [b]$showeachside = 5;[/b][/quote]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

yey i edited my wvm now...
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

[b]@mhie29dhie[/b] try to update your code again =)
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

diz iz my 1st comment for november!! ah this iz new and and i hope itz working!!! next tym for the repu coz im very bc!!!! and gudlak keep it up!!
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

ei luis i have the new update for WVM 2.3 ill send you the code when you online on YM
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

could you share shirow?hehehehe..btw,i do like your blinkin online status thing...great! =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

not working in my profile. :wasted: :crybaby:
Shirow Masamune
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

[quote=lordheinz]could you share shirow?hehehehe..btw,i do like your blinkin online status thing...great! =)[/quote] ive already gave the codes to luis he will update now the codes dont worry :D the blinkin status effect will be included there :D
  • » [b]Updated Since: November 28, 2007[/b] [quote][b]Preview:[/b] http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco[/quote] [quote][b]Credits:[/b] Marfillaster - idea and script Shirow Masamune - script keeping

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