Step-1. First of all we need to set up the canvas dimension
Step-2.Then to search for a picture we want to use to make the graphic glitter to look really cool
Step-3.The secret of a glitter is that you have to make it transparent and for it you`ll use the selection marquee tool as shown below
Step-4. Find a nice texture image from a clipart to put over the picture to create a cool effect
Step-5..Now what you have to do is to duplicate twice the texture layer and change its position (rotate 180 degrees and 90 degrees CW)
This is how the layers look right now
Use Edit > Transform > Rotate 180 degrees
And use again Edit > Transform > Rotate 90 degrees CW
Step-6.Now we need to combine them as in the pictures below:
Select the female by using ctrl+Click on the 'picture layer'
Then select Inverse (ctrl+shift+I)
Now select each texture layer (texture1, texture1 copy, texture1 copy 2) and press 'delete'.
You should have a picture like this:
Special request: How we selected the jeans and deleted the rest?
Make a new path,
Take the Pen Tool[img][/img]and select the region you want to leave from the picture:
Right-click on the Path layer and select Make Selection as shown below:
Now all you need to do is: Ctrl+Shift+I or Select > Inverse and then delete the unnecessary part
from each texture layers like this:
Step-8. The next step is to find which blend mode is better to use it for the texture:
You have to choose always which part of the image you want to be animated.
I chose to animate her jeans and the rest of the body to be static.
The blend mode for this texture will be: Color Dodge
At the end you`ll get 3 frames:
Step-9..Using Adobe ImageReady:
You`ll get:
:popcorn3dm:If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment here. I will try my best to help you out. :smartass: