[align=center][b]Hello and welcome to the NEWS & GOSSIP section!

Here you can post/discuss about the current events and the latest issues.
Talk about your favorite celebrities, sports personalities, politicians, etc.
Please read the Rules/Guidelines below before posting.[/b]

[color=brown][b]FRIENDSTERTALK GENERAL FORUMS RULES:[/b][/color]
[i]As a member of FriendsterTalk, you must follow these rules and guidelines.[/i]
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[color=brown][b]USE ENGLISH, ONLY ENGLISH![/b][/color]
This is an international public forum, please do not use language other than English
(except in Regional Boards).
[color=brown][b]NO STICKY CAPS / ALL CAPS / PROFANITY[/b][/color]
Avoid using any foul and offensive words, ALL CAPS, [b]sTiCkY cApS[/b] when posting.
[color=brown][b]NO SPAMMING & FLAMMING[/b][/color]
We can't tolerate spamming and flamming any form.
Note that 'double-posting' is also spamming.
[color=brown][b]NO NUDITY OR ANYTHING OFFENSIVE[/b][/color]
No nudity and offensive stuff are allowed in signatures or avatars.
[color=brown][b]NO OTHER FORUM SITE PROMOTIONS[/b][/color]
No other forum/site promotion posts.
[color=brown][b]NO THREAD DUPLICATION[/b][/color]
Please do some [b]search[/b] before posting a new thread, to avoid thread duplication.
[color=brown][b]THE RIGHT FORUM & CATEGORY[/b][/color]
Always post a thread in the right forum/category.
If there's no appropriate category you can request it here.
[color=brown][b]BE DESCRIPTIVE[/b][/color]
Use descriptive subject when you start a new thread.
[color=brown][b]NO MULTIPLE & NON-SENSE THREADS[/b][/color]
[b]Multiple threads/posts[/b] with no purpose or clear direction are not allowed and will be considered as spam.
[color=brown][b]MODERATOR'S RIGHT[/b][/color]
Moderators reserve the right to modify or delete any objectionable post.
[color=brown][b]THE RIGHT SIGNATURE[/b][/color]
Recommended maximum size for signatures is [b]515 x 200[/b] pixels.
Don't use more than one banner and don't make it excessive and annoying.
No audio or video allowed. We have the right to edit or remove objectionable signature.
[color=brown][b]REPUTATION POINTS[/b][/color]
You can only give a reputation point if you've been registered for more than [b]2 weeks[/b] and with [b]100+ posts[/b]. Mods and admins are able to see who is giving the reputation, And we will taking action against people who abuse the reputation system.
[color=brown][b]HELP REPORT THE BADDIES[/b][/color]
If you come across a post or thread that looks like it's in direct violation of any of these rules, please report it (there is a [b]Report[/b] link next to every post). This is the best way to fight against spammers and troublemakers.

[color=brown][b]USE YOUR COMMON SENSE[/b][/color]
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Last edited by Padme (2007-06-10 15:14:27)