Please join my newly created chatroom, for ftalk members so that ftalkers can communicate with each other even only when on your profile... or maybe even when ftalk is down... it can olso be a new way of getting help from other ftalkers...
just copy this code...
[quote]<div><EMBED src="" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="300" height="320" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars = "a=666666&b=60&f=48&i=83&k=333333&l=999999&n=333333&q=666666&r=100&s=1"></EMBED><br>[ <a href="">Copy this</a> | <a href="">Start New</a> | <a href="">Full Size</a> ]</div>[/quote]
or if you already have an addbox function (by marfi) copy this
[quote]var code="<div><EMBED src=\"\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" width=\"100%\" height=\"320\" wmode=\"transparent\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" flashvars = \"a=666666&b=60&f=48&i=83&k=333333&l=999999&n=333333&q=666666&r=100&s=1\"></EMBED><br>[ <a href=\"\">Copy this</a> | <a href=\"\">Start New</a> | <a href=\"\">Full Size</a> ]</div>";
that code will be inserted under friends box... you can generate yours, just visit marfi's site...
to customize your chatroom colors etc... go here
for smilies[/quote]
thanks ill be waiting for you guys!, more power to us all...
Last edited by renalvir (2007-12-10 08:35:31)