[b]**Credit to : dynamic drive for the shake script**[/b]

Also credit to the posted Owner from the link :
[color=red]1. [/color] [b]Part of your ExternaL JS Codes ...[/b]
<">[color=red]2. [/color] [b]Part of your ExternaL CSS Codes ...[/b]
<">[b][color=teal]OR this Way !.

<">[b]ADD / MIX this CODE as a Part of your ADD-ONS Code with different types of command codes : Select / use only one as what arrangement of codes you have : Or you can modify it to be with @ your own code pattern... [/b]
[color=red]a. ) [/color]
<">[color=red]OR :

[color=red]b. ) [/color]
<">[b]From the (3) Three steps above , you have an External JS Command handler ; CSS Code and the third one is the add-on InternaL Script Code... [/b]
[b][color=blue]NEXT is a different type of application @ Your target Add-ons :

Simple analysis from this post and You will use it @ any add-ons you want to SHAKE

No limit ![/color][/b]
[b]Now !.[/b] [color=red]For FLASH add-ons Sample Code and RTU : Ready to Use :

[/color][b]HERE :[/b]
[b]After onload handler :

var bakas = document.getElementById("footer_container");
var myfooter = "<div class='clear585'>"+
"<div align='center'><embed src='[color=blue]
http://www.freeflashtoys.us/apps/happyday.swf[/color]' quality='high' width='377' height='108' wmode='transparent' align='middle' AllowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' [color=red]class='shakeimage' onMouseover='init(this);rattleimage()' onMouseout='stoprattle(this);top.focus()' onClick='top.focus()'>[/color]</embed></object><br>"+
bakas.innerHTML = myfooter;
bakas.style.height="auto"; bakas.style.overflow="hidden";
[b]Next ExternaL JS add-ons Here : [/b]
[b]By Changing this URL Address : [/b] inside of the given sample codes you are able now to use your own Flash Object / embed add-ons .
For LIVE Preview of this code : in action @ My page Below !. It is an Auto daily Changer Greeting !.
[b][color=blue]For Images add-ons of Our friend FERUZZ @ the main photo animated gif / flash / and / or Viewers Main Photo's as well... Also your tracker / WVMe with photos ; CBOXes in a different functions / it work !. [/color]
Code Sample @ tracker : Find this part and replace with this Code :

<">[b]For short ; ALL External JS add-ons that you want to shake , it wiLL !.....

[b]Need a Preview ?. :

[color=blue]My Page the link @ Below my AVATAR 4 newbies like ME. Try @ any browsers YOU have... Tested !.

[b]Try to HOVER Your Cursor @ ALL add-ons I have @ this page : also the Friendstertalk.com/ @ the bottom part !. [color=red]That's ALL for the moment, till next . No enough time for more and to talk to HERE

: Need to.....

[/color] [/b]