Hey there friendster talkers! Happy new year to everyone of yah!
Well well well, are you wondering how game are created? Hmmmm... interesting am i ryt? I think so! hehehe...
I have a good news for everyone of you. Now you can create your own game without using any programming
language such as Visual Basic, JAVA or FLASH. Yeah! it made possible by Platinum Studios. Just go to
[i][url]http://soft.firstproductions.com/pstudio/[/url] [/i] and download [b]Game Maker[/b]
I discover this cool stuff just last night when the fireworks is conquering the sky and people enjoying and
celebrating new years eve. It's new year so just we must explore new things! LOL
1. Microsoft .NET 1.1 Framework. You can download it in
2. Software Installation abilities.
3. If you want to manipulate game functions, you must have a advance knowledge in visual basic of vb script
4. Patience is a must.
Follow this urls to show my screenshots:
[b]1ST LEVEL:[/b]
[b]2ND LEVEL:[/b]
- Tileset editor is used to customize default tileset features to make your game more personalized. Just add your
graphics and there you have it! Your own personalized game.
- Action is the programming area of the game maker. If you have enough knowledge to do so, you can use this
- Windows Editor serves as a introductory page for your game. iN default settings, it has buttons such as:
:midfinger: 1. PLAY,
:midfinger: 2. HELP (INSTRUCTIONS)
:midfinger: 3. ABOUT and...
:midfinger: 4. EXIT BUTTONS
but you can also customize if you want too....
One thing i like in this software is you can also preview your game using the

- This game can't be compiled as flash game because this is only a free version. Upgraded version made do so.
But still very useful for computer explorer's out there!!!
This stuff is for free for all webmasters and IT professionals. But if you prefer that you are a computer expert,
you may have this cool stuff also. hehehe...