» =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
=) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
i LOVE hello kitty! i used to visit a store here, all hello kitty stuffs are sold, pink store.hahah.. i forgot the name of the store
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
Try to look all of my infos XD haha full of hk siggy and avi even the location LOL i so love hellokitty its.. so cute
they said hello kitty is a BOY and others said shes GAY
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
i lve hello kitty,nd of course
her twin sister!,(mimmy!)
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
weee.. i love hello kitty!! haha..
my clasmates used to give me presents that are hello kitty.. hehe..
a collector of hello kitty stuffs.. love em..
im even called khitz because of that. hehe..
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
i had sign up for an e-maill acount on sanriotown.com
and i am so happy using @hellokitty.com ...
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
I like Hello Kitty..
so cute..
but not always I like hello kitty..
sometimes I don't like it.
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
..when i was still like 8 or ten yrs old,but now..nah!
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
when i was younger,i loved hello kitty but now,not that much
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
i still love hello kitty even im grownup now..all its stuff are just so cute that goes always with my fave color..pink.
[spoiler][color=blue][b]once mine...always mine! [/b][/color][/spoiler]
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
I superr love hello kitty. So Kawaii. especially her bestfriend. haha. im childish ain't I?
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
i do love hello kitty.!my friends used to give me hello kitty stuffs.>!thats what im asking them.!hahaha.
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
[align=center][b]i LOVE
it's so cute^.^[/b][/align]
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
i totally luv hello kitty
in fact i always watch hello kitty in abs-cbn
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
i love hello kitty
actually i collected some of it....
i have couple hello kitty
electric fan
and hanger...
and blanket, and pillow....
notebook...yeah thats all
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
yuh! i do love hello kitty... but i'm a little bit curious...
why do all japanese loves hello kitty!...
Re: =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello
» =) . Hi there, I'm a new member. Feel glad to share your experience or hobby or passion towards hello kitty.
I've just got start up a hobby of collecting hello kitty items. I've reveiw lots of hello