whenever i remember this anime... i get...

watched it last year
i have a review of this anime in my multiply
i'll just post it here..
contains spoiler so.... if u havent watched it yet better not read this
[spoiler] My Review: (Contains Spoilers)
This would have been a great anime if not for those love scenes and really (and i mean really) twisted scenes.
The beginning was really good. Viewers will be attracted with the lovely story and kawaii characters. But then suddenly goes oh so wrong. At first, I believed that this is a sweet and love story anime, but it turns out that this is actually one twisted tale! Everything else was good, the music, the dubbing, the effects but what's with the plot? What's with the sex scenes, the attitude, the killing, the gore, the decapitation!!! Oh well, maybe I should have expected this since this anime is based on an interactive game which has 14 good endings and 3 bad endings. Well, i guess that the anime choose to end the anime the bad ending way. So okay... you know already that this anime would end the bad way (probably it's the most suitable ending for an anime this twisted). But you have to find out yourself specifically what the "bad" ending is and why i keep referring this anime as "twisted".
Such a shame, everything was lovely and then somebody has to mess everything up.