I remembered this so suddenly

[li]Open Firefox Browse[/li]
[li]On the top of browser select [b][u]T[/u]ools[/b][/li]
[li]After clicking [b][u]T[/u]ools[/b] a drop down menu will go down, If that happens select [b][u]O[/u]ptions...[/b][/li]
[li]After clicking [b][u]O[/u]ptions...[/b]you will see [b]Content[/b](Has a globe icon)][/li]
Check the following boxes:
[/] [b]Enable [u]J[/u]avaScript[/b]
[/] [b]E[u]n[/u]able Java[/b]
On the right side, you will see:
[Ad[u]v[/u]anced... ][/b]
Click [b]Ad[u]v[/u]anced...[/b] and a box will appear with 5 check boxes, check the following check box.
[/] [b][u]C[/u]hange status bar text[/b]
Remove the check on this check box if it is checked
[ ] [b][u]H[/u]ide the status bar[/b]
After changing the following press [b][OK][/b] and [b][OK][/b]
Finally view profile and check your status bar.

[b]Preview: [Click Image To Enlarge][/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v674/EphimeralKaizer/IE_Week.jpg?t=1199785581][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v674/EphimeralKaizer/th_IE_Week.jpg[/img][/url]
[i][Look at the Status bar and the Browser I am using][/i]
No part of this images was doctored.
If Internet Explorer 6 do it, IE7 can't... Firefox can!

Download Firefox: [url=http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v674/EphimeralKaizer/firefox.gif[/img][/url]
I am not sure if this is the right category... I think this should be at Tech Section. What do you guys think?
Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-01-08 04:51:15)