• » updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

@bro nopathz bro, code gw ada yg salah ga? gw pk generatornya bro. utk pantau kondisi cuaca jalan ma addboxnya. tp pas gw mw masukin ini, yg muncul cm judul box, contentnya g muncul. itu knp ya bro? <">
__High Level__
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

thanks for share..:):thumbsup: langsung menuju ke TKP. :arrow: :idea: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

keren bagus banget udah banyak yg maek ini WVM yahh
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

bang nophats,saya mw tanya. kok saya dah bikin tpi kaga jdi ya:crybaby: padahal saya dah ikutin smua ptnjuk abang,tpi knpa mlah yg ada kga jdi... mohon bntuanya y bang:):)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

bang mw nanya.... koq di visitor aq ada yg muncul tulisan kayak gini: Warning: getdate(): Cannot perform date calculation in \\\webfiles\files\2008-3\1809703\chullank\tracker.php on line 393 Warning: date(): Windows does not support dates prior to midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 in \\\webfiles\files\2008-3\1809703\chullank\tracker.php on line 399 apanya yg salah yach bang???
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

[quote]Error 404 The page you have requested is not found or available: http://www.friendster.com/%20http://h1.ripway.com/harryclou80/tracker/tracker.php?oss=25200&osh=7[/quote] bang,,,,wvm q koq jd nya kek gitu yach bang... :thumbsup:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

[quote=harryclou80]bang,,,,wvm q koq jd nya kek gitu yach bang... :thumbsup:[/quote] itu slh di pnulisn [b]url php[/b] nya bro
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

[quote=h312y_sh]harryclou80 wrote: bang,,,,wvm q koq jd nya kek gitu yach bang... :thumbsup: itu slh di pnulisn url php nya bro[/quote] salah gmn yach bro... bs di perjelas lg gak bro???? maklum lach bro...newbie :wallbash::wallbash:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

good bang nopath sukses terus bang :thumbsup: keluarkan lagi jurus2 yg lainnya ya bang nopath..:)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

@bro nopathz ato yang laen ko WVM + addbox saya dobel2 yah? trus klo saya liat profil saya make account orang laen. profilenya stop loading trus blank cuma putih doang..
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

bang klo [b]gif[/b] d'ganti ma [b]png[/b] bisa ga bang...?
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

keren abiz bro nopz :D:thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

bang[b]nopathz[/b]saia mau nanya nichh.. aku dah lama nich make script ini. tp akhir2 ini kok bagian yng paling atas kok gak nebuka apa ya masalahnya? harusnya kan seperi contoh ini:thumbsup: [img]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/1618/wvm21lj6.jpg[/img] mohon kasih pencerahannya. nich provile aku bang:thumbsdown: [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/41488344[/url]

Last edited by lion23 (2008-12-19 19:15:48)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

[b]@ atas[/b] visitornya kemana:) [quote=the_bucepati]bang klo [b]gif[/b] d'ganti ma [b]png[/b] bisa ga bang...?[/quote] bisa semua tipe img spt gif,png,jpg bisa brot ;)

Last edited by pria_kesepian (2008-12-20 16:41:07)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

siapa aja dechhh yg bisa bantuin ... tolong bantuin aku donk.... tu postingan aku yg di ats..:crybaby::crybaby:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

sukses bro !! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: berfungsi dngan baik di profile saya :D tapi kok trackernya jadi dua ya ?? dobel gitu..:/
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

[quote=cosmic_dust]sukses bro !! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: berfungsi dngan baik di profile saya :D tapi kok trackernya jadi dua ya ?? dobel gitu..:/[/quote] bisa saya lihat js nya bro :rolleyes:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

nih kode yg saya pake.. [spoiler]//onload handler function onProfileLoad() { //addboxes here //add box addBox("RIGHT",pageOwnerFName+"\'s Visitors",TRACKER.div.innerHTML,"tracker",null); } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()}; function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null /* Available default Siblings LEFT 0 = controlpanel 1 = photos 13 = blogs 12 = reviews 6 = moreabout 18 = publiccomments 10 = scrapbook RIGHT 15 = meettrail 2 = friends 14 = googleads 7 = fan 8 = groups null - appends to last */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } } //tracker object /*TRACKER OBJECT*/ if (typeof TRACKER == "undefined") { TRACKER = {}; } TRACKER = { style: { filter: "chroma(color='#FFFFFF')", width: '300px', height: '520px', border: '0px', overflow: 'hidden' }, attributes: { frameborder: '0', allowtransparency: 'true' }, phplink: "http://h1.ripway.com/cosmicdust/ajib/tracker.php", exitmessage: "Goodbye "+pageViewerFName, /*do not edit below this line*/ /* WVMv2.1 by marfillaster, copyright 2007 friendster.com/mumbhaki credits: feruzz, renalvir(pimped), nopathz, friendstertalk.com, friendster.com licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Disclaimer: NO GUARANTEE and WARRANTY provided! For educational purposes only. Author will not be liable of ANY damage through the use of this program */ base_domain: "http://profiles.friendster.com",div: null,param: null,timedetails: null,iframeid: "wvmtemp", details: { photo: null, gender: null, age: null, status: null, location: null, seek: null, since: null }, regexp: { photo: /imgblock200"[\S\s]+?img src="([\S\s]+?)"/i, gender: />([\S]*male)/i, age: /male, ([\d]*),/i, status: /male, [\d]*,([\S\s]*?)<\/span><\/li>/i, location: /Location\: <\/span><a[\S\s]+?>([\S\s]+?)<\/a><\/li>/i, seek: /In\: <\/span>([\S\s]+?)<\/li>/i, since: /Since\: <\/span>([\S\s]+?)<\/li>/i }, init: function() { getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?controlpanel/i,null,"DIV")[0].innerHTML+="<iframe id=\""+this.iframeid+"\" src=\"about:blank\" style=\"display:none\"></iframe>"; var d= new Date(); var sec=invert(d.getTimezoneOffset()*60); var hr=invert(d.getTimezoneOffset()/60); this.timedetails="oss="+sec+"&osh="+hr; var ifsrc=this.phplink+"?"+this.timedetails; var atr=""; var sty=""; for (val in this.attributes) { atr += val +"="+ this.attributes[val]+" "; } for (val in this.style) { sty += val +":"+ this.style[val]+";"; } try {this.div=document.createElement("<div>")} catch(e){this.div=document.createElement("div")} this.div.innerHTML="<center><iframe id=\"wvm\" "+atr+"src=\""+ifsrc+"\" style=\""+sty+"\"></iframe></center>"; if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="")this.getDETAILS(); }, getDETAILS: function() { processAjaxRequest("GET",this.base_domain+"/user.php?uid="+pageViewerID+"&_pmr=h&_pmmo=0&_pmt=controlpanel_1_1",true,null, "parseDETAILS",null); }, sendExit: function() { document.getElementById(this.iframeid).src=this.phplink+this.param+"&exit=1"; alert(this.exitmessage); } }; function parseDETAILS(htm) { if(!htm) { TRACKER.getDETAILS(); return; }else { for (val in TRACKER.details) { try { TRACKER.details[val]=encodeURIComponent(new RegExp(TRACKER.regexp[val]).exec(htm)[1]); } catch(e) { TRACKER.details[val]=""; } } TRACKER.param="?owner="+pageOwnerID+"&id="+pageViewerID+"&name="+pageViewerFName+"&url="+TRACKER.details.photo.replace(/m.jpg/gi,"t.jpg")+"&gender="+TRACKER.details.gender+"&age="+TRACKER.details.age+"&status="+TRACKER.details.status+"&country="+TRACKER.details.location+"&seek="+TRACKER.details.seek+"&since="+TRACKER.details.since; document.getElementById(TRACKER.iframeid).src=TRACKER.phplink+TRACKER.param; } } if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()}; TRACKER.init(); if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="") document.write("<body onbeforeunload='TRACKER.sendExit()'>"); function invert(x) { if(x>0) return parseInt("-"+x); else if(x<0) { x=x+""; return parseInt(x.substr(1,x.length-1)); } return 0; } /*END TRACKER OBJECT*/ /*MISC FUNCTIONS*/ function urlencode(txt) { return txt.replace(/ /g,"%20").replace(/'/g,"%60").replace(/</g,"%3C").replace(/>/g,"%3E"); } function processAjaxRequest(type,url,cont,param,handler,handlerparam) { //by marfillaster //type 'POST' | 'GET' //cont 'true' | 'false' //param string | null //handler string | null //handlerparam string |null if(handlerparam) handlerparam=","+handlerparam; else handlerparam=""; var httprequest= window.XMLHttpRequest? new XMLHttpRequest():new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); if(handler) eval("httprequest.onreadystatechange=function(){if (httprequest.readyState==4) {"+handler+"(httprequest.responseText"+handlerparam+");}}"); httprequest.open( type, url, cont); if(type=="POST") { httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-length", param.length); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); } httprequest.send(param); } function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) { var classElements = new Array(); if ( node == null ) node = document; if ( tag == null ) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp(searchClass); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; } /*END MISC FUNCTIONS*/ //fungsi addbox function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null /* Available default Siblings Default "sibling_ID" Boxes for Reference (10/19/07) LEFT RIGHT "0" = controlpanel "15" = meettrail "1" = photos "2" = friends "13" = blogs "14" = googleads "12" = reviews "7" = fan "6" = moreabout "8" = groups "18" = publiccomments null = appends to last(without "") "10" = scrapbook */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else {var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; } li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } }[/spoiler] tadi malah jadi ada 3.. dan sekarang malah ilang.:( maaf, ini mungkin yang salah saya sendiri, waktu saya bolak balik customize profile lama lama ada lagi, dobel lagi.. kenapa ya ?? kadang kadang muncul gitu

Last edited by cosmic_dust (2009-01-01 09:18:20)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

[quote=cosmic_dust]tadi malah jadi ada 3..[/quote] coba perhatikan yg ini : [spoiler]//onload handler function onProfileLoad() { //addboxes here //add box addBox("RIGHT",pageOwnerFName+"\'s Visitors",TRACKER.div.innerHTML,"tracker",null); } [color=red][b]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()};[/b][/color] [color=blue][b]function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null /* Available default Siblings LEFT 0 = controlpanel 1 = photos 13 = blogs 12 = reviews 6 = moreabout 18 = publiccomments 10 = scrapbook RIGHT 15 = meettrail 2 = friends 14 = googleads 7 = fan 8 = groups null - appends to last */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } }[/b][/color] //tracker object /*TRACKER OBJECT*/ if (typeof TRACKER == "undefined") { TRACKER = {}; } TRACKER = { style: { filter: "chroma(color='#FFFFFF')", width: '300px', height: '520px', border: '0px', overflow: 'hidden' }, attributes: { frameborder: '0', allowtransparency: 'true' }, phplink: "http://h1.ripway.com/cosmicdust/ajib/tracker.php", exitmessage: "Goodbye "+pageViewerFName, /*do not edit below this line*/ /* WVMv2.1 by marfillaster, copyright 2007 friendster.com/mumbhaki credits: feruzz, renalvir(pimped), nopathz, friendstertalk.com, friendster.com licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Disclaimer: NO GUARANTEE and WARRANTY provided! For educational purposes only. Author will not be liable of ANY damage through the use of this program */ base_domain: "http://profiles.friendster.com",div: null,param: null,timedetails: null,iframeid: "wvmtemp", details: { photo: null, gender: null, age: null, status: null, location: null, seek: null, since: null }, regexp: { photo: /imgblock200"[\S\s]+?img src="([\S\s]+?)"/i, gender: />([\S]*male)/i, age: /male, ([\d]*),/i, status: /male, [\d]*,([\S\s]*?)<\/span><\/li>/i, location: /Location\: <\/span><a[\S\s]+?>([\S\s]+?)<\/a><\/li>/i, seek: /In\: <\/span>([\S\s]+?)<\/li>/i, since: /Since\: <\/span>([\S\s]+?)<\/li>/i }, init: function() { getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?controlpanel/i,null,"DIV")[0].innerHTML+="<iframe id=\""+this.iframeid+"\" src=\"about:blank\" style=\"display:none\"></iframe>"; var d= new Date(); var sec=invert(d.getTimezoneOffset()*60); var hr=invert(d.getTimezoneOffset()/60); this.timedetails="oss="+sec+"&osh="+hr; var ifsrc=this.phplink+"?"+this.timedetails; var atr=""; var sty=""; for (val in this.attributes) { atr += val +"="+ this.attributes[val]+" "; } for (val in this.style) { sty += val +":"+ this.style[val]+";"; } try {this.div=document.createElement("<div>")} catch(e){this.div=document.createElement("div")} this.div.innerHTML="<center><iframe id=\"wvm\" "+atr+"src=\""+ifsrc+"\" style=\""+sty+"\"></iframe></center>"; if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="")this.getDETAILS(); }, getDETAILS: function() { processAjaxRequest("GET",this.base_domain+"/user.php?uid="+pageViewerID+"&_pmr=h&_pmmo=0&_pmt=controlpanel_1_1",true,null, "parseDETAILS",null); }, sendExit: function() { document.getElementById(this.iframeid).src=this.phplink+this.param+"&exit=1"; alert(this.exitmessage); } }; function parseDETAILS(htm) { if(!htm) { TRACKER.getDETAILS(); return; }else { for (val in TRACKER.details) { try { TRACKER.details[val]=encodeURIComponent(new RegExp(TRACKER.regexp[val]).exec(htm)[1]); } catch(e) { TRACKER.details[val]=""; } } TRACKER.param="?owner="+pageOwnerID+"&id="+pageViewerID+"&name="+pageViewerFName+"&url="+TRACKER.details.photo.replace(/m.jpg/gi,"t.jpg")+"&gender="+TRACKER.details.gender+"&age="+TRACKER.details.age+"&status="+TRACKER.details.status+"&country="+TRACKER.details.location+"&seek="+TRACKER.details.seek+"&since="+TRACKER.details.since; document.getElementById(TRACKER.iframeid).src=TRACKER.phplink+TRACKER.param; } } [color=red][b]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()};[/b][/color] TRACKER.init(); if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="") document.write("<body onbeforeunload='TRACKER.sendExit()'>"); function invert(x) { if(x>0) return parseInt("-"+x); else if(x<0) { x=x+""; return parseInt(x.substr(1,x.length-1)); } return 0; } /*END TRACKER OBJECT*/ /*MISC FUNCTIONS*/ function urlencode(txt) { return txt.replace(/ /g,"%20").replace(/'/g,"%60").replace(/</g,"%3C").replace(/>/g,"%3E"); } function processAjaxRequest(type,url,cont,param,handler,handlerparam) { //by marfillaster //type 'POST' | 'GET' //cont 'true' | 'false' //param string | null //handler string | null //handlerparam string |null if(handlerparam) handlerparam=","+handlerparam; else handlerparam=""; var httprequest= window.XMLHttpRequest? new XMLHttpRequest():new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); if(handler) eval("httprequest.onreadystatechange=function(){if (httprequest.readyState==4) {"+handler+"(httprequest.responseText"+handlerparam+");}}"); httprequest.open( type, url, cont); if(type=="POST") { httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-length", param.length); httprequest.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); } httprequest.send(param); } function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) { var classElements = new Array(); if ( node == null ) node = document; if ( tag == null ) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var pattern = new RegExp(searchClass); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; } /*END MISC FUNCTIONS*/ [color=blue][b]//fungsi addbox function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null /* Available default Siblings Default "sibling_ID" Boxes for Reference (10/19/07) LEFT RIGHT "0" = controlpanel "15" = meettrail "1" = photos "2" = friends "13" = blogs "14" = googleads "12" = reviews "7" = fan "6" = moreabout "8" = groups "18" = publiccomments null = appends to last(without "") "10" = scrapbook */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else {var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; } li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } }[/b][/color][/spoiler] yg [color=red][b]merah[/b][/color] dan [color=blue][b]biru[/b][/color] itu ada dua coba kamu hapus salah satu
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

[quote]yg merah dan biru itu ada dua coba kamu hapus salah satu[/quote] oh itu.. oke bro =) coba saya cek lagi :thumbsup: makasih atas saran nya :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  • » updated : [quote]11-02-2008 : tombol refresh 12-05-2008 : accordion style, no css file, "TODAY"[/quote] --------------------------------------- Script ini merupakan modifikasi dari WVM versi 2.1 (cre

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