tired of so many codes n your proffy?! hahah! here's the answer for you!!
in a simple CSS profile, [[b]using michael's CSS editor[/b]]
you'll see only this one:
<">all you need to do is to add this:
[quote]url("CURSOR URL here");
so it will look like something as this. ..
this is WHERE you'll be pasting your code:
hmm. ..
where to [b]find cool cursors[/b]?
[b]click here:[/b]
http://www.123mycodes.com/ -[credits to MARRA for sharing

..just copy the [b]URL[/b] of the code. .. [the [b]bold[/b] part]
[quote]<style type="text/css">body {cursor: url([b]
http://www.myspacecursor.net/star/11.ani[/b]); }</style><br />
<a href="http://www.myspacecursor.net" title="Free Cursors">Free Cursors</a><a href="http://www.freelayoutsnow.com" title="Myspace Layouts">Myspace Layouts</a><a href="http://www.getmyspacecomments.com" title="Myspace Comments">Myspace Comments</a><br />[/quote]
[b]100% working[/b]! click [b]my link below[/b] to see a [b]LIVE PREVIEW[/b].
hope it helps! ^^
advantage: you can use ANY [b].cur[/b] or [b].ani[/b] cursors! yey!
Last edited by ericajoyce2003 (2008-05-10 00:53:45)