[quote=cla_15]i really missed the one i quoted..i swear..please come back to TS..please..we just missed you like hell..
Rei misses you soooo much..im dont let any girls steal him from you..
pls. come back..im begging you..[/quote]
[b]WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH.[/b] *cries.
I miss the one I quoted more than anyone else, as in superr. D*mn, i thought she already forgot me. >________<
[b]LOL.[/b] Rei? [b]HAHA.[/b] I miss him, too. T^T It's okay, he was never mine anyways. [b]ROFL.[/b] j/k.
I really don't know if I'm coming back. I dunno if they want me back.

[spoiler]Ikaw ngisses ha, you make me so emotional sometimes. [b]I SO D*MN MISS YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. [/b]Seriously.
Love you always. :*[/spoiler]