• » [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

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[url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

[url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

[url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory suggests that your color preferences can also indicate what's on your subconscious mind. From your choices, here's what we found out about you. Like other people who chose Blue first, you tend to take things in stride. Instead of getting worked up over situations, you probably solve problems without feeling too much emotional stress. The fact that you chose Blue first also indicates that others probably see you as a mild-mannered person who has a balanced approach to life. Enjoy it's really fun .... My Result: [img]http://i.emode.com/tests/newcolor/images/calm_s.gif[/img] [b]Christian, the first color you chose reveals that you're feeling Calm today. [/b] How rare is this color choice? 33% test takers also chose Blue first, but less than 0.10% of test-takers share your exact 8-color sequence.. Blue. This reveals that overall, you're Calm. Like other people who choose Blue first, you likely tend to take things in stride, without getting too worked up over situations. Others probably see you as mild-mannered and centered in your approach to life. According to Luscher, Blue in the first position also reveals that you have a desire for either emotional tranquility or physiological rest. You may long to escape emotional conflict or a situation that has been demanding, or you may crave a restful period that doesn't require a lot of physical activity. Overall, you long for a calm environment that is free from stressors, even though you do have the capacity to handle stress with grace. You need for your relationships to be free of conflict, as it's essential for you to be able to trust those who are close to you and be trusted by them in return. You have a quiet spirit, a peaceful manner and impeccable integrity. 33% test takers also chose Blue first. Blue The dark blue color in this test symbolizes the calm of an untroubled sea. It represents fulfillment, as well as truth, love and devotion. It relates to tender emotions and sensitivity. Studies have found that when people look at this color, their respiration and blood pressure are reduced. Dark blue corresponds with the basic biological need for tranquility and contentment. According to Tickle's research, Blue is most commonly chosen in positions one through four, especially in the first two positions. It is the most popular choice for the first position. Green The blue-green color on this test represents perseverance, constancy and firmness. Green symbolizes the most resistant to change, the most self-awareness, the most self-possession. Emotionally, green is a sign of pride. Symbolically, it corresponds with the towering and austere sequoia, deep-rooted, unchanging, and monumental. Green is the color of precise memory, accuracy and logic. Tickle found that it's somewhat uncommon for Green to be chosen first or last, and that Green tends to be chosen toward the middle of the selection process. Red The red on this test, which contains enough yellow to give it an orange hue, is the expression of vital force. Red speeds up one's pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. It represents desire, appetites and cravings. It symbolizes the desire to achieve and a need to "do." Red is the present, and it represents all forms of power, from sexuality to innovative change. It is the blood of conquest and the flame igniting the human spirit. According to Tickle's studies, it is somewhat uncommon for Red to be chosen in the last three positions. Black Black is the dark negation of color. It expresses the idea of nothingness, endings and extinction. Black is about surrender and relinquishing. It has great impact on the color with which it's paired, emphasizing the impact of that color. Choosing black in the early positions is an act of extremeness and rebellion, a sign of revolt. When black is chosen last, Luscher believed it is a sign of not wanting to relinquish anything, and instead be in control of your own fate. Tickle found that, more than any other color, Black is chosen equally for each of the eight positions, with a slight tendency to be chosen in the last four positions. Brown This brown is a darkened yellow-red. Yellow dampens Red's vitality and thus makes it more peaceful. Brown's vitality is less active, and is instead more receptive than Red's. Brown is sensuous, relating to the physical body. It is also about the importance of roots, home and family. Tickle's research found that Brown is the most common color choice for the last position. Yellow Yellow, the brightest color on the test, represents lightness and good cheer. Yellow is radiance, expansiveness, and a release from burdens. Symbolically, yellow is the warm sunlight. Yellow is more uncertain than red; while it indicates flurried diligence, this focus comes in fits and starts. Yellow is progressive, always going toward the new and the developing. Tickle's findings revealed that it is somewhat uncommon for Yellow to be chosen in the first or second position. Violet As a combination of both blue and red, violet manages to be its own distinct color, though it does lose the clarity and purpose that both red and blue have on their own. Violet is the magical union of red's need to conquer and blue's need to surrender. It is intuition and sensitivity. Violet is also about wish fulfillment and fantasy, a state in which the world is a magical place. Violet, due to its fantastical nature, can sometimes lead to irresponsibility. Tickle found that Violet is the second most commonly chosen color for the first position, second only to blue. Gray The shade of gray used on this test is neither dark nor light, and thus it is free of any specific psychological tendency. Gray symbolizes neutrality, the halfway point between white and black. This is the color of noninvolvement. It also represents the desire to hide or conceal. Tickle found that Gray is most commonly chosen in positions five through eight, especially in the last two positions.

Last edited by Xian (2007-03-11 14:49:53)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero
FTalkers ♥♥ My Threads!

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

<----- , the first color you chose reveals that you're feeling Calm today. Like other people who chose Blue first, you tend to take things in stride. Instead of getting worked up over situations, you probably solve problems without feeling too much emotional stress. The fact that you chose Blue first also indicates that others probably see you as a mild-mannered person who has a balanced approach to life. :arrow: Kuya xian: Yeah, I'm one of those 33%.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

Oh boy.. and Tickle should get rid of those ads, haha! You have no idea what ad just showed up. Anyway.. nice TEST, thanks Xian! Below is my result, for some reason I had blue on my 2nd to the last choice. I wish I can get my FULL REPORT though hehe. [b]YELLOW.[/b] [i]The first color you chose reveals that you're feeling Cheerful today.[/i] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory suggests that your color preferences can also indicate what's on your subconscious mind. From your choices, here's what we found out about you. Like other people who choose Yellow first, you are probably a friendly person who has an open heart. The fact that you chose Yellow first also indicates that others probably see you as welcoming and easy to be around. [b]How rare is this color choice?[/b] 6% test takers also chose Yellow first, but less than 0.10% of test-takers share your exact 8-color sequence.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero
Some FTalkers ♥ My Threads!

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

i got red....? hmm.. [b]INTENSE???[/b] :eh:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

Mei, the first color you chose reveals that you're feeling Objective today. For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory suggests that your color preferences can also indicate what's on your subconscious mind. From your choices, here's what we found out about you. Like other people who choose Grey first, you're less likely than others to take sides or jump to conclusions. The fact that you chose Grey first also indicates that others probably see you as an impartial person who is inclined to remain neutral. How rare is this color choice? 2% test takers also chose Gray first, but less than 0.10% of test-takers share your exact 8-color sequence. btw, i was shocked about the ads. :o
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

[quote=Padme]Oh boy.. and Tickle should get rid of those ads, haha! You have no idea what ad just showed up. Anyway.. nice TEST, thanks Xian! Below is my result, for some reason I had blue on my 2nd to the last choice. I wish I can get my FULL REPORT though hehe.[/quote] Try registering on that site coz every once in a while they send you free full report on random tests .. I'm enjoying these kind of tests coz they did research these ..
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

[b]RED ![/b] AinaCariza, the first color you chose reveals that you're feeling Intense today. For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory suggests that your color preferences can also indicate what's on your subconscious mind. From your choices, here's what we found out about you. Like other people who choose Red first, you are likely an emotional person who experiences strong feelings. The fact that you chose Red first also indicates that others probably see you as a passionate and vibrant person. How rare is this color choice? 17% test takers also chose Red first, but less than 0.10% of test-takers share your exact 8-color sequence.
FJ almighty
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

Black Black is the dark negation of color. It expresses the idea of nothingness, endings and extinction. Black is about surrender and relinquishing. It has great impact on the color with which it's paired, emphasizing the impact of that color. Choosing black in the early positions is an act of extremeness and rebellion, a sign of revolt. When black is chosen last, Luscher believed it is a sign of not wanting to relinquish anything, and instead be in control of your own fate. Tickle found that, more than any other color, Black is chosen equally for each of the eight positions, with a slight tendency to be chosen in the last four positions.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

red! :evil: intense

Last edited by Serale (2009-01-08 13:15:35)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

- gray
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

[spoiler]Green hmm[/spoiler]

Last edited by Serale (2009-01-09 19:44:30)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

red? :lol: :lol:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

Blue The dark blue color in this test symbolizes the calm of an untroubled sea. It represents fulfillment, as well as truth, love and devotion. It relates to tender emotions and sensitivity. Studies have found that when people look at this color, their respiration and blood pressure are reduced. Dark blue corresponds with the basic biological need for tranquility and contentment. According to Tickle's research, Blue is most commonly chosen in positions one through four, especially in the first two positions. It is the most popular choice for the first position. & Red The red on this test, which contains enough yellow to give it an orange hue, is the expression of vital force. Red speeds up one's pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. It represents desire, appetites and cravings. It symbolizes the desire to achieve and a need to "do." Red is the present, and it represents all forms of power, from sexuality to innovative change. It is the blood of conquest and the flame igniting the human spirit. According to Tickle's studies, it is somewhat uncommon for Red to be chosen in the last three positions. i want it coz its my favorite color.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

mine is [i]blue[/i] :D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

Red :thumbsup: ..
  • » [url]http://web.tickle.com/tests/newcolor/color.jsp[/url] For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory

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