[quote]/*transparent scrollbar*/
{filter: chroma (color=HEX HERE); }[/quote]
^chroma setting
[quote]/*transparent scrollbar*/
scrollbar-face-color:HEX HERE;
scrollbar-highlight-color:HEX HERE;
scrollbar-3dlight-color:HEX HERE;
scrollbar-shadow-color:HEX HERE;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color:HEX HERE;
scrollbar-track-color:HEX HERE;
scrollbar-arrow-color:HEX HERE;
^ css tags
with your CSS tags, set the scrollbar elements you want to be transparent to the same HEX as the chroma setting.
Mainly, you will want to set the track and face elements to be transparent, but you can also make any of the settings transparent.
You can make the whole thing transparent if you want, but I don't recommend it.

[b]only works in Internet Explorer[/b]
[b]save this with ur css extension file heres the link how to save css extension....[url=http://theftalk.com/t1879-save-extension-file-host-site....html]LINK[/url][/b]
get scrollable box code -->[url=http://theftalk.com/t1935-Scrollable-Like%2C-More-About-Testimonials-Box%2C-etc....html]LINK[/url]
Last edited by Ephemeral (2007-03-14 06:04:23)