• » [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

[b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

D' Angelo
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

[color=#666666] [quote=bobcbar]Remember friends to vote for #3 or #24..they are tied for #1 and give ur reasons.[/quote] Wow a tie for number 1? Today posts by sis takeshi, sis death, bro KhErMiNaToR and bro Shiseiten made me realize of something... So here it goes... 1. It is true that my siggy display [b]"friendstertalk indonesia"[/b], and as i saw on the rules quoted by Shiseiten [img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/images/ContestRules.jpg[/img] [b]"Signature should be related to FriendsterTalk, for example by having the word FriendsterTalk.com displayed on it"[/b]. So i was thinking that i already put [b]"friendstertalk"[/b] word there, and i add Indonesia for the place which i hang out daily...And i think putting the [b]"friendstertalk status" (Username, Caption, Registered, Total Post etc)[/b] is enough to Visualize that my siggy is based on FTalk...But for some "member/silent judges" here its not enough, and they said its [b]not related to FriendsterTalk[/b]... [b]"Does Friendstertalk Indonesia is not part of Friendstertalk?"[/b] 2. Siggy #3 maker is more [b]senior[/b] than me, lots member here would be happy if the winner is someone "they know"... Not me, im just new member here :) By being part in this contest already satisfy me. :) The thing that still confuse me, by looking at the [b]fact on poll result[/b] above, [img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/images/voterz.jpg[/img] "[b]why #3 is tie with me instead #6 or #19?[/b]" And guys, please dont blame sis takashi, shes just doin her job here as contest promoter, and she is a human being which can make mistakes like we all not perfect. :) [b]Again im sorry for this post i made, im just saying that we are people, we can make mistakes, we are not perfect.[/b] [/color]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

[quote=KhErMiNaToR][b]tie?[/b] :lol::lol::lol: its very funny...:lol:=D [url]http://h1.ripway.com/kherminator2/siggy.JPG[/url] mathemathics confusing me...:retard: i still vote entry [b]#24[/b] no one break the rules, so the judges must be fair..:thumbsup:[/quote] I think it is confusing because the bar graph is from the intial voting to determine the top 15 not the top 10 or the winner. The winners was to be determined by the one with the most top ten votes and the secret judges votes, but so many people did not follow the rules and post their top ten, it got confusing. Based on the voting of the top 10 and the fact members did not follow the rules I can see where a tie is possible. To finally get the winner now we just choose between #3 and #24 and explain why, now the process is simple.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

I vote #24 because i like the ftalk default addons a lot, and this siggy has same function but with more colors. :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

wow nice signatures=):thumbsup: like it... good luck to the contestants xDD
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

waw~ problem here =( i'll go vote to 24 entry. why?? cause i think not much ppl who can use high technic lyk use php for their graphics. but, use an effect is soo normally and much ppl can use it. :P (even i cant do both of them) and i think 24 entry still related wit ftalk, cause friendster indonesia is being part of ftalk right?? =) [quote]2. Siggy #3 maker is more senior than me, lots member here would be happy if the winner is someone "they know"... Not me, im just new member here :) By being part in this contest already satisfy me.[/quote] i know what he mean, but i think we must do this contest fair, not just vote cause we know who's entry is that. maybe all of u can say, if i vote him cause i was from indo too :D but i vote him cause his work really great. honestly, i really want if another entry who was tie with 24 entry is number 18 and 19. they all doing so great with their sig :thumbsup: i think all of voters here will do fair vote ryt?? and for [b]sist takashi[/b] dont be worry sist, all of us know u was do ur best ;):thumbsup: u are a great promoter here :D
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

btw.[b] interruption![/b] this is a question.:D [b]how many silent judges are in this contest?=|[/b] because the number between 3 and 31 is really a[i] BIG [/i]different. im just curious. if the silent judges is more than 30. well. i think there shouldnt be any vote. eh? sorry for my interruption.

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-02-23 20:08:18)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

can i vote 4 siggy master?? i'll vote #24 because its so simple but really cooll.... :)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

i vote for #24 b'coz i thought it was cool at the time.. the sigz has much more effect.. great graphic,well deserve!! so dinamic.. :D :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

i think da tied between da #3 and # 24 is not all about da POLL.. bcoz its in da poll,, we are voting for da [b]top 15[/b],, and now wer here on da finals,, da poll is not included i think,,:paranoid: da process of how do we vote for da top siggie master is been tied, like wer posting here da number of our bet,,ayt??.. i think deyre say it as a tie it is bcoz dey see da voting from da top 10 until now, da poll is not included anymore,,maybe..:paranoid: . .and if in case da poll is increasing,,dey counted da plus of da entry,, its tied i think its all bcoz of da voting process NOW,,not on da POLL..:/ now,,whoever myt win dis contest,,dont worry guyz,uve been a part of dis contest dat is so awesome full of entries.:thumbsup:,,ur all da best,,goodluck guyz,,

Last edited by portuniecho (2008-02-24 00:01:28)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

i agree w/ u tunie. . the tie between u guyz is not about the poll. . because we used the poll in voting for the top 15. . we're now judging hu'll be the sig master. . and as sis takashi said,poll is just a help for the judges. . the judges will decide hu'll be the sig master. . correct me if i am wrong. . this is just my opinion. .
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

I voted kamandag.. For his very creative siggie..
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

[quote=Shiseiten]=| this is the rules? [quote][b]rules[/b] "for the signature - Could be animated (gif) OR non-animated (jpg) - Maximum image height for signature is 200 px. - Max. size allowed: 150 Kb..and tats final..hehe :o - [u][b]Signature should be related to FriendsterTalk[/b][/u], for example by having the word FriendsterTalk.com displayed on it"..those rules were based on admin's contest sample. -there's a theme that should be followed to avoid unwanted pictures/contents in the sig. the theme will be [u][b]about ftalk[/b][/u]. -the sigs and the bgs will be own made.[/quote] :/ Tie? [quote]1. ezil's sig portrays to FRIENDSTERTALK and not just to one group. it's for everyone in shortcut. while d'angelo's sig is [u][b]for friendstertalk indonesia[/b][/u], see?[/quote] :question: friendstertalk indonesia it isn't a part of friendsterTalk =| :D anyway, [b]i vote for #24[/b] and my reason so simple cuz i like it, and [i]i don't like siggy #3[/i] ;)[/quote] I don't see anything wrong here... All I see is he is giving pride to his country right? I see nothing wrong. Also the rules say... [u][b]Signature should be related to FriendsterTalk[/b][/u], for example by having the word FriendsterTalk.com displayed on it"..those rules were based on admin's contest sample. It has the word FriendsterTalk and it has a RSS to friendstertalk meaning it's friendstertalk related... If you're going to emphasize on for [quote]example by having the word FriendsterTalk.com displayed on it"..those rules were based on admin's contest sample.[/quote] Some might get confused because some may not focus on the word [b]example.[/b] having the word FriendsterTalk.com is just an example of the primary rule [u][b]about ftalk[/b][/u] The important thing is there's the word FriendsterTalk in it. I do not see anyway unwanted images... All I see is they are just trying to add support to their community to add members. If you say I am on his side, fine by me but, just for the record I did not vote for him... Additional info... Indonesia is a part of ftalk due to we have catagorical forums like Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia. For more ideas on this reply consider the last signature contest. One of the entry has no friendstertalk.com in it but it was accepted. Why? because friendstertalk related. remember adding Friendstertalk.com url is optional. just as long it is Ftalk related. Well for ezil, no problems as well... It's ftalk related so... Voting goes on. =) Hope everything cleared up.

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-02-24 04:55:30)

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

Well. kuya Ephe.. i think Shiseiten is vote for entry #24 which has the Friendstertalk Indonesia on his siggy. :D He (Shiseiten) tried to give an opinion on why there was a TIE between siggy #3 and #24, while the poll counts are really different. :D I think there's a misunderstanding. :D Btw. Voting are only until yesterday midnight? So, the silent judges must have decided who is the winner.:)
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

well//this contest really thought me alot..and thanks for those who voted for me.. being in the top 15 to 10.. is a great honor for me... hehe..well anyway.. ate takashi.. ur so good in promoting.. hehe.. to kuya ezil and d' angelo hehe..goodluck to you two/// about the voting.. maybe.,. ill go to kuya ezil's work.. because...i think that his work is so great.. well, infact....both is great.. but.. i think...kuya ezil's is unique.. because...kuya d' angelo's work were already used by others... and..based on the written part.. for indonesians only.. so i would prefer... the one where can be used by all.. and i think its too plain too.... but its nice..though it looks a lot like our premade add=on siggy..haha// goodluck! i really enjoyed joining here..hehe
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

mee too. although i didnt make it.. hehe.. its fun.. that i became a part of this contest.. :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

like the work of sis aya,,, i voted for her. ;):thumbsup: well, good luck
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

in my own opinion, i admit having dynamic php sig is cool but if your a sig maker and been in a sig making sites/forums you won't see that kind of sig entered as an entry for basically as I my self who had been a part of those sig making contests on grafix site when you say SIG MAKING CONTEST, it refers to a competion for grafix enthusiasts who have the basic skills in brushing, smudging, color blending and with their personal msgs/quotes in short grafix designing and manipulation. therefore, i consider a php driven sig is not really a grafix. why? to those who do not know how php dynamic sig works heres how it work. what you see that displays as a sig is what you really looking in the php itself disguised and fooled the browser the its an image. i read on the past posts that its a one of a kind sig for not all can make a sig like that, hello! google for [b]php dynamic sig [/b]and you can find php scripts that you can copy very easily. when we talk about making your own sig, i may ask this, is it you who coded that script? wait i'm not done yet, about the part of the rules that says... Theme is ABOUT FTALK, on my own understanding it means talk about eptok or tell somthing about eptok and [b]not get info from ftalk[/b]. as you see, most created sig on this contest has all quotes that say sumthing about ftalk but how about the sig #24? :o take note, this is just my POINT OF VIEW.
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

^your current sig is amazing too :D :thumbsup: :ninja: with great skills in graphics, comes great graphics designs :ninja:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

I vote for entry #3 [i]Gambatte![/i] Ezir!
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

same here, #3 to #24, I go for #3... OT: thnx to those who appreciate my work and thnx to kakashi for having my work as one of her fave and last congrats to all of US! =):thumbsup:

Last edited by Kamandag (2008-02-25 02:53:28)

  • » [b]now, you guys will have the power to vote for the top 15! vote wisely!! :D [/b] [b]entry # 1[/b] [img]http://h1.ripway.com/thornbabe/my-entry.gif[/img] [b]entry # 2[/b] [img]http://i143.photo

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