[quote=*kim-a-holic]hmm, i just wanna ask something.
i already downloaded the codes and edited it.
when i went to markyctrigger, they got something like, i have to upload the codes at my server [e.g geocities] and put the url below the box at that encryptor.
i tried the other encryptor and it gave me the generated html codes.
i put it at my media box, but there's nothing going on at prof.
what's the problem, you think?[/quote]
what type of generator u used?
hmmm.. i think u used OGmatrix right?
[b]OG Matrix[/b] [i][url=http://www.markyctrigger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3433]Click here for its log[/url][/i]
copy this code in your [i][url=http://www.friendster.com/editprofile.php]My Favorite TV Shows[/url][/i]:
<">generate your code in [i][url=http://www.markyctrigger.com/og_matrix.html]here[/url][/i]
save the generated codes in a notepad with an extension of [b].js[/b]
example: codes.js instead of codes.txt
upload it on a host.
or choose a host u want, [i][url=http://www.markyctrigger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=82]Click here[/url][/i]
then generate your uploaded .js file at the same page of the generator, [i][url=http://www.markyctrigger.com/og_matrix.html]here[/url][/i]. (second generator at the bottom)
finally, paste the new generated codes in your [i][url=http://www.friendster.com/editskin.php?]media box[/url][/i]
*sorry if i use some links from markyctrigger coz i haven't browsed the whole friendstertalk.
-hope this helps

by the way, i like the OG matrix now coz it supports add-ons now.
[quote][b]What does OGmatrix do?[/b]
- encrypts your source code further which is almost impossible to decrypt by script kiddies and rippers.
- enables you to apply external source code to overcome friendster character limitations.
- AJAX execution[/quote]
Last edited by eehjhay (2007-03-23 22:32:14)