The GIMP is a multiplatform photo manipulation tool. GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. The GIMP is suitable for a variety of image manipulation tasks, including photo retouching, image composition, and image construction.
It is fast and requires very little disk space and still produces great images; but you must learn it first.

Download it here: [url][/url]
this is my first thread on this section. i hope this ones ok.

ok. lets start off with a basic image.

open gimp and paste the image in an transparent background

then cut it and paste it in a much larger base image with a transparent background

next go to filters>light and shadow>supernova use the adjustments to your preferred color, position and style.

lastly use the air brush / 'a' key to spray the edges in a circular pattern depending on the color of the background.
[b]note:[/b] using eraser instead of the air brush wont have a better effect.

and there you have it.
a glowing image
png format is used coz it has opacity feature.
try the image inside a DIV box in your profile and see that its translucent.

hehe.. i hope i did this right.

[b]Idea for Application:[/b]
you can use this tag for and image to add opacity effect to make it more blendy to the background and make it much cooler.

PREVIEW HERE: [url][/url]
Last edited by dracoknight09 (2008-02-21 23:34:40)