Hi guys,
Its just small scripting i've made to use [b]Flash Navigation[/b].
[b]Credits to Sis Annanyeep

[url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=15097&p=1]Menu Navigation[/url][/b]
[b]Idea based on

[url=http://www.flashvortex.com/]Flash Vortex Navigation[/url][/b]
[b][u]Flash Navigation Review:[/u][/b]
1. Message, Comment and Friends Button goes directly to UID/Profile Owner.
2. Custom Button Color
3. Custom Hover Button Color
4. Custom Navigation Background + Opacity
5. Annoying Sound on Hover state Button

[b][u]Image Preview:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Profile Preview[/u][/b]

[b][u]How To Apply:[/u][/b]
1. [b][u]Flash File:[/u][/b]
a. Just copy the code i put below on your [b]External JS[/b] then paste it after [color=#0000cc][u][b]CSS Injection[/b][/u][/color] and before [color=#0000cc][b][u]function Onload Handler[/u][/b][/color]
b. or... You can download the Flash SWF File here

[b][url=http://joekingky.com/flash/Navi1.zip]Navi1.zip[/url][/b] then upload to your own free hosting to replace the URL at code below to your own URL.
2. [b][u]Flash Setting:[/u][/b] (Hex Color)
a. Change to [color=#00ffff][b]SWF Flash File URL[/b][/color]
b. Change to [color=#ff0000][b]Button Color[/b][/color]
c. Change to [color=#00ff00][b]Hover Button Color[/b][/color]
(Please dont use "[color=#cc0000][b]#[/b][/color]" mark on those Hex Color)
e. Change the Navigation Background [color=#660066][b]Opacity[/b][/color] (0 to 100)
f. Change with [color=#ff00ff][b]Your ID/ UID[/b][/color] (

[b][url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=3499&p=1]Tutorial to find UID[/url][/b] )
3. Edit your [b][u]External JS Code[/u][/b]
[quote][b]//Change Navigation[/b]
document.getElementById("mainnav").innerHTML="<div id='flash nav' align='center'>"+
"<embed src='[color=#00ffff][b]
"&pgUID=[color=#ff00ff][b]58352413[/b][/color]' "+
"menu='false' quality='high' wmode='transparent' width='[color=#cc0000][b]1200[/b][/color]' height='40' scale='noscale' align='middle' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /></div>";[/quote]
width='[color=#cc0000][b]1200[/b][/color]' is optional depend on your need.
[b]External JS Code Placement Preview:[/b]
[quote][b][color=#0000cc]//CSS Injection[/color][/b]
function injectcss() {
if(window.cssinjected == undefined) {
cssinjected = 1;
var css = document.createElement("link");
css.setAttribute("href","[b]CSS URL[/b]");
css.setAttribute("media","screen, print");
[color=#cc0000][b]The Custom Flash Navigation Code[/b]
//Change Navigation
document.getElementById("mainnav").innerHTML="<div id='flash nav' align='center'>"+
"<embed src='http://joekingky.com/flash/Navi1.swf"+
"&pgUID=58352413' "+
"menu='false' quality='high' wmode='transparent' width='1200' height='40' scale='noscale' align='middle' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /></div>";
[color=#0000cc][b]// Onload Handler[/b][/color]
function onProfileLoad() {
//onload handler
//(pattern) addBox("L-R","Header",htm,"cssid","sibling");
addBox("RIGHT",pageOwnerFName+"'s Visitors",TRACKER.div.innerHTML,"tracker",null);
[spoiler]Use [b]#mainnav[/b] to stylize some Navigation property:
1. Background color/image Navigation

2. Arranging Height of Navigation using [i]padding-bottom[/i]
3. Arranging Width of Navigation [i]width[/i] property
4. Property [b]height:0px;[/b] leave at [b]0px[/b].
Contoh seperti code CSS dibawah[/spoiler]
4. Edit your [b][u]External CSS Code:[/u][/b]
[quote][b]//Removing unused Main Nav and Secondary Link[/b]
#navdivider {display:none;background:transparent;}
#marketing_bg {display:none;}
#mainnav {
Hope u like it, peace out [img]http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/67.gif[/img]
1. [i]Updated Code for 1200px Navigation Width. 2 Mar 2008, 8:49 AM. [/i]
2. [i]Updated Preview, CSS Property and File Location. 21 November 9:57 PM. [/i]
Last edited by D' Angelo (2008-11-21 09:57:30)