[b]Genre: Bloody-fine (lulz) , comedy , minor ecchi , supernatural
Number of episodes: 8
Number of OVa's: 4
[quote=REVIEW WHAT THE HELL?!]Well because of my boredom and curiosity about this animu. I got time to watch it and It's so [b]Unbelievably Shocking Awesome![/b]. Insane Dokuro is win!
Expect a cute angel ripping your body on her spiky bat, smash it and revive you an instant! That's the pathetic life of our male pervert protagonist - Sakura-kun. May cause severe laughter and creepy feeling. I dare you to watch it on Crunchyroll.[/quote]
[quote][b]Here's a Pure Gold Screenshot[/b]
Last edited by ezil2007 (2008-02-25 12:10:00)