[quote=janjan6190]im a little bit confused..
can i ask if where should the [b][color=red]LINK[/color][/b] be placed?
below the effect code?
on the HTML, u'll see this part:
[quote]<a href="[b][color=red]LINK[/color][/b]">
<img src="URL ENTER IMAGE" class="shakeimage" onMouseover="init(this);rattleimage()" onMouseout="stoprattle(this);top.focus()" onClick="top.focus()"></a><br /><br />[/quote]
different effect will take different link,
on the effect one, here is da link: <">and for the second one:
<">choose one..and replace the [b][color=red]LINK[/color][/b] part on da HTML.