[quote=k2i5e7k8i7e]malah gw tgl yg satu td,,,,,gmna bkin efek glossy nya jlan d smua image......
bntuin gw dunk,,,,,[/quote]
kalo untuk d randomize friendsnya harus d tambahin class nya

cuma saya gag tau d bagian mana naruhnya

ntar deh gw cobain

coba liat di [url=http://theftalk.com/t22828-glossarize-your-images.html]trit[/url]nya bagian yg ini

[quote=shakiro214]Step 3: Set any images you want to be glossed to the [b][color=#0000ff]class="glossy iradius50"[/color][/b] If you do not know how to do this, try injecting the following code to select all images in your flo_wrapper table. It is the code I am currently using, since I didn't want to include my floating object to be glossed:[/quote]
[b]@ dimdim[/b]
coba di tanyakan k tritnya keanya yg empunya code ol

okok dimdim
Last edited by Co_don SanAdH (2008-06-05 09:32:52)