[quote=julyan emo]gw minta script tuk no right klik box dunk,, keq punya bg kanal gt..
yg asal kt klik kanan muncul deh di boxnya memang keren euy..
ada yg tau gk y?[/quote]
Bro buka
Disana dibahas smua, jadi klik kanan bisa keluar message ampe diarahin ke situs lain, [b]Thanks to Iblizmutz [/b]
Trus ada yang nanya buat nymbunyiin source page : [b]Thanks to Bg Kanal[/b]
[quote][b]How to Disable 'View Source'[/b]
The short answer to how to do this is you can't. The slightly longer answer is that you can't if your pages use HTML.
Last edited by Ladeva XIII (2008-03-11 08:31:03)