[quote=weleh]maap nunggu lama boss...
inih kodenyah.....
THX b4[/quote]
coba jgn di inject yg itu

taruh ajah d bagian C atau paling bawah JSnya

dan yg ini benerin juga maabh ngintibh

[quote]var box4 = "<div id='box3div'>"+
"<center><embed src='http://www.clocklink.com/clocks/trans005-black.swf?TimeZone=JST&' width='95%' height='175' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'>"+
addBox("LEFT","<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"show_hide('content_box4'); return false\"><div title=\"header=[kalo mo liat jam] body=[Klo Mau liat waktu<blink>KLIK Klau Mau Liat Jam</blink></div></a>",box4,"box4",[b][color=#ff0000]7[/color][/b]);
[b][color=#ff0000]7[/color][/b] jadi gini [b][color=#ff0000]"6"[/color][/b]

ntar tanyakan lagi kalo blum juga

[b]@ marianaluvrenato[/b]
you want it?

you can request [url=http://theftalk.com/t31619-%7BAdd-Ons%7D-Image-Transparent-Untuk-Header.html]HERE[/url] or
what the name of all your header
and what a color of font you want

sorry my english so bad
Last edited by Co_don SanAdH (2008-06-10 06:31:20)