[quote=ajikurn]blh tw g cara protek js kita biar g kena ma riper..
cos gw udh cb pk yg d forum tp msh aj ad yg bs liat js kita..


bro aq juga pake yg dr ftalk
tp dulu, skrg dah ga pake lagi...


[quote=chibuy]saya gag ngerti tu pa WVM ...[/quote]
coba yg nech bro...
nambah nech bro di JS km...
di [b]bagian C[/b]
* Viewer's Main Photo Sidebar
* Author: FeRuZZ ©
* Internalize AJAX handler
*Requirement: addBox function
* No warranty expressed or implied. Use at your own risk.
/*global SPAWNPIC*/
/* just get rid if you already have one */
if (pageViewerLangPref !== "en-US") {
window.location.href = "http://" + location.hostname + "/" + pageOwnerID + "?lang=en-US&updatelang=1";
if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function () { SPAWNPIC.init(); })) window.onload = function () { SPAWNPIC.init(); };
(function () {
// private property
photo: null,
info: {
name: null,
photo: null,
gender: null,
age: null,
status: null,
location: null,
seek: null,
since: null
regexp: {
name: /controlpanel_header">([\S\s]*?)<a\s*name="controlpanel/i,
photo: /imgblock200"><a[\S\s]*?>([\S\s]*?)<\/a><\/div>/i,
gender: /q">([\S]*male)/i,
age: /male,\s*([\d]*),/i,
status: /male,\s*[\d]*,\s*([\S\s]*?)<\/span>/i,
location: /Location\:\s*<\/span><a[\S\s]*?>([\S\s]*?)<\/a><\/li>/i,
seek: /Interested\s*In\:\s*<\/span>([\S\s]*?)<\/li>/i,
since: /Member\s*Since\:\s*<\/span>([\w]*?[\s][\d]*?)<\/li>/i
init: function () {
try {
SPAWNPIC.ajaxRequest("GET", "http://" + location.hostname + "/" + pageViewerID, true, null, SPAWNPIC.viewer, null);
} catch (e) {}
viewer: function (htm) {
if (htm.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "") === "") {
alert("VMP Error: Unable to parse user details!");
} else if (htm) {
for (var val in SPAWNPIC.info) {
if (typeof SPAWNPIC.info[val] !== "function") {
try {
SPAWNPIC.info[val] = new RegExp(SPAWNPIC.regexp[val]).exec(htm)[1].replace(/^(\d)$/, "0$1");
} catch (e) {
SPAWNPIC.info[val] = "";
if (SPAWNPIC.info.seek === "") {
SPAWNPIC.info.seek = "Just looking around";
SPAWNPIC.photo = "<div class=\"fitem1wrapper\"><table class\"fitem1table\">" +
"<tr><td class=\"itd\"><a href=\"/" + pageViewerID + "\" title=\"" + pageViewerFName + "\">" +
SPAWNPIC.info.photo.replace(/<img /gi, "<img width=\"100\" height=\"100\" ") + "</a></td>" +
"<td class=\"dtd\"><ul class=\"data\"><div class=\"title\">" +
"<li><a href=\"/" + pageViewerID + "\">" +
SPAWNPIC.info.name + "</a><br>" +
pageViewerID.replace(/^\s*[\d]*?/gi, "Friendster ID: ") + "<br>" +
SPAWNPIC.info.gender + ", " + SPAWNPIC.info.age + ", " + SPAWNPIC.info.status.replace(/<[\S]*?>/g, "") + "<br>" +
SPAWNPIC.info.seek.replace(/^\s*[\S\s]*?/gi, "Interested In: ") + "<br>" +
SPAWNPIC.info.since.replace(/^\s*[\w]*?/gi, "Member Since: ") + "<br>" +
SPAWNPIC.info.location.replace(/^\s*[\S\s]*?/gi, "Location: ") + "</li>" +
addBox("LEFT","Hello " + SPAWNPIC.info.name, SPAWNPIC.photo, "spawnpic","0");
ajaxRequest: function (type, url, async, param, func, handlerparam) {
* ajaxRequest - You may not remove or change this notice.
* version: 2.4
* Copyright 2008 by FeRuZZ ©
* @type: "GET" | "POST"
* @cont: true | false
* @param: string | null
* @func: string | null
* @handlerparam: string | null
var httprequest = null;
var requestDone = false;
var data = null;
var responseType = "text";
var timeout = 0;
var ival = null;
var onreadystatechange = {};
var msxml = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"];
for (var x = 0, len = msxml.length; x < len; x += 1) {
try {
httprequest = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject(msxml[x]) : new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (e) {
if (async) {
httprequest = null;
if (typeof func === "function") {
onreadystatechange = function (isTimeout) {
if (!requestDone && httprequest && (httprequest.readyState === 4 || isTimeout === "timeout")) {
requestDone = true;
if (ival) {
ival = null;
if (!httprequest.status && location.protocol === "file:" || (httprequest.status >= 200 && httprequest.status < 300) || httprequest.status === 304 || httprequest.status === 1223) {
var resPonse = (/xml/i.test(responseType))? httprequest.responseXML : httprequest.responseText;
func(resPonse.replace(new RegExp("<script[^>]*>.*?<\/script>", "gi"), ""), handlerparam);
if (async) {
ival = window.setInterval(onreadystatechange, 13);
if (timeout > 0) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
if (httprequest) {
if (!requestDone) {
}, timeout);
if (type === "GET" && (/GET/i.test(type))) {
var ts = new Date().getTime();
var ret = url.replace(/(\?|&)_=.*?(&|$)/, "$1_=" + ts + "$2");
url = ret + ((ret === url) ? (url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + ts : "");
if (data && type === "GET" && (/GET/i.test(type))) {
url += (url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + data;
data = null;
if (type === "POST" && (/POST/i.test(type))) {
var headers = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + ("UTF-8" ? "; charset=" + "UTF-8" : "");
var contentLength = param ? param.length: 0;
try {
httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", headers);
httprequest.setRequestHeader("Content-length", contentLength);
if (httprequest.overrideMimeType && (navigator.userAgent.match(/Gecko\/(\d{4})/) || [0, 2005])[1] < 2005) {
httprequest.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
} catch (err) {}
httprequest.open(type, url, async);
httprequest.setRequestHeader("ajaxRequest", "true");
httprequest.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
httprequest.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT");
httprequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript, application/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, text/plain, */*");
if (!async) {
[quote=oppie]saru lagi nichh bro onload handler itu yg dmn sichhh sory masi newbi nichh
kan malu bertanya sesat d jalan...[/quote]
coba bro masuk sini dulu...
[url=http://theftalk.com/t15339-%7BTUTORIAL%7D-Kombinasi-Addbox-(UPDATE-08-03-08).html]pelan aja klik nya[/url]

Last edited by ily (2008-07-29 01:23:30)