• » [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

[align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

ka arca.. kalo misalkan yang tadi buat seluruh tombol... berarti kalo ada yang nge click mouse juga kena ka???? fs gie kan box nya pake mini maxi yg di click,,, berarti kalo org mau buka box nya juga kena dunkz ka??
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

:arrow: [b]aggie_naoky[/b] ga dunkz... itu kan berfungsi buat keyboard... bukan buat mouse...=)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

kalo yang mau chating di cbox kena ngga ka??? hajuh muuf bnyak tanya.... takud salah masukin kode,,, :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

bro arcatari aku masukkan sript ini untuk mini maxi viewer tapi koq ga jalan yah ini <">
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

:arrow: [b]aghie[/b] kayaknya kena dech.. soalnya kan seluruh tombol keyboard.. jadi klo chatting di cbox ga bisa..
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

hajuh,,,, ga jadi dech pake kode nya... cara apa lagi iia...biar ga ada yang riiper....
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

:arrow: [b]joewanango@gmail.com[/b] mank kode itu kamu taro di bagian mana.... :arrow: [b]aghie[/b] klo cara lain... ya di encrypt aja,,,,

Last edited by arcatari (2008-05-02 23:25:17)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

di encripnya gmana bro aku taruh di bag c itu treadnya bang kanal :crybaby::crybaby: bisa minta bantuanya g bro mau minimalis viewernya nih
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

:arrow: [b]joewanango@gmail.com[/b] upst salah.. yg encrpyt bukan kamu.. tapi buat si aghie..
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

kalo pengen mempercantik...foto yang ada di frien,,fan,,ama group boz supaya ada bordernya gmn???
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

[quote=aggie_naoky]kalo pengen mempercantik...foto yang ada di frien,,fan,,ama group boz supaya ada bordernya gmn???[/quote] cuba pake image epek ini buat sbg [b]js external[/b] sendiri [spoiler]/** * glossy.js 1.31 (19-Jul-2007) * (c) by Christian Effenberger * All Rights Reserved * Source: glossy.netzgesta.de * Distributed under Netzgestade Software License Agreement * http://www.netzgesta.de/cvi/LICENSE.txt * License permits free of charge * use on non-commercial and * private web sites only **/ var tmp = navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') < 1 ? 1 : 0; if(tmp) var isIE = document.namespaces ? 1 : 0; if(isIE) { if(document.namespaces['v'] == null) { var stl = document.createStyleSheet(); stl.addRule("v\\:*", "behavior: url(#default#VML);"); document.namespaces.add("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); } } function getImages(className){ var children = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); var elements = new Array(); var i = 0; var child; 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ctx.fillStyle = style; ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(x,y+radius,os,height-(radius*2)); ctx.closePath(); style = addLinearStyle(ctx,x+os,y+radius,x,y+radius,opacity); ctx.fillStyle = style; ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(x,y+height-radius,radius,radius); ctx.closePath(); style = addRadialStyle(ctx,x+radius,y+height-radius,radius-os,x+radius,y+height-radius,radius,opacity); ctx.fillStyle = style; ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(x+radius,y+height-os,width-(radius*2),os); ctx.closePath(); style = addLinearStyle(ctx,x+radius,y+height-os,x+radius,y+height,opacity); ctx.fillStyle = style; ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(x+width-radius,y+height-radius,radius,radius); ctx.closePath(); style = addRadialStyle(ctx,x+width-radius,y+height-radius,radius-os,x+width-radius,y+height-radius,radius,opacity); ctx.fillStyle = style; ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(x+width-os,y+radius,os,height-(radius*2)); ctx.closePath(); style = addLinearStyle(ctx,x+width-os,y+radius,x+width,y+radius,opacity); 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vml.innerHTML = head + shade + fill + foot; vml.className = newClasses; vml.style.cssText = image.style.cssText; vml.style.visibility = 'visible'; vml.src = image.src; vml.alt = image.alt; vml.width = image.width; vml.height = image.height; if(image.id!='') vml.id = image.id; if(image.title!='') vml.title = image.title; if(image.getAttribute('onclick')!='') vml.setAttribute('onclick',image.getAttribute('onclick')); object.replaceChild(vml,image); } } } function addGlossy() { var theimages = getImages('glossy'); var image; var object; var canvas; var context; var i; var iradius = null; var sradius = null; var noshadow = 0; var ibgcolor = null; var igradient = null; var horizontal = 0; var factor = 0.25; var classes = ''; var newClasses = ''; var maxdim = null; var inset = 0; var offset = 0; var style = ''; for(i=0;i<theimages.length;i++) { image = theimages[i]; object = image.parentNode; canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); if(canvas.getContext && image.width>=16 && image.height>=16) { classes = image.className.split(' '); horizontal = 0; igradient = 0; factor = 0.25; noshadow = 0; iradius = 0; ibgcolor = 0; iradius = getClassValue(classes,"iradius"); ibgcolor = getClassColor(classes,"ibgcolor"); igradient = getClassColor(classes,"igradient"); noshadow = getClassAttribute(classes,"noshadow"); horizontal = getClassAttribute(classes,"horizontal"); newClasses = getClasses(classes,"glossy"); canvas.className = newClasses; canvas.style.cssText = image.style.cssText; canvas.style.height = image.height+'px'; canvas.style.width = image.width+'px'; canvas.height = image.height; canvas.width = image.width; canvas.src = image.src; canvas.alt = image.alt; if(image.id!='') canvas.id = image.id; if(image.title!='') canvas.title = image.title; if(image.getAttribute('onclick')!='') canvas.setAttribute('onclick',image.getAttribute('onclick')); maxdim = Math.min(canvas.width,canvas.height)/2; factor = iradius>0?Math.min(Math.max(iradius,20),50)/100:factor; iradius = Math.max(Math.round(maxdim*factor),4); if(noshadow<1) { iradius = Math.round(iradius/4)*4; offset = iradius/4; sradius = iradius*0.75; inset = offset; radius = sradius; sradius = radius*0.75; }else { radius = iradius; inset = 0; offset = iradius/4; sradius = iradius*0.75; } context = canvas.getContext("2d"); object.replaceChild(canvas,image); context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); if(noshadow<1) glossyShadow(context,0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height,iradius,0.5); context.save(); globalCompositeOperation = "source-in"; roundedRect(context,inset,0,canvas.width-(inset*2),canvas.height-(inset*2),radius); context.clip(); if(isNaN(ibgcolor)) { if(isNaN(igradient)) { if(horizontal>0) { style = context.createLinearGradient(0,0,canvas.width,0); }else { style = context.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,canvas.height-(inset*2)); } style.addColorStop(0,ibgcolor); style.addColorStop(1,igradient); context.beginPath(); context.rect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height-(inset*2)); context.closePath(); context.fillStyle = style; context.fill(); }else { context.fillStyle = ibgcolor; context.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height-(inset*2)); } }else { context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); } context.drawImage(image,inset,0,canvas.width-(inset*2),canvas.height-(inset*2)); addBright(context,offset+inset,offset,canvas.width-(2*(offset+inset)),(canvas.height/2)-offset,sradius,0.75); addDark(context,inset,(canvas.height/2)-inset,canvas.width-(2*inset),(canvas.height/2)-inset,sradius,0.5); addFrame(context,inset,0,canvas.width-(inset*2),canvas.height-(inset*2),radius,0.25) canvas.style.visibility = 'visible'; } } } var glossyOnload = window.onload; window.onload = function () { if(glossyOnload) glossyOnload(); if(isIE){addIEGlossy(); }else {addGlossy();}}[/spoiler] lalu masukkan [b]url .js[/b] kamu disini [spoiler]function shaggy(){ var tabitha = document.createElement("script"); tabitha.type = "text/javascript"; tabitha.src = "[b]URL JS[/b]"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tabitha); }setTimeout("shaggy()",995);[/spoiler] abis itu taroh ini di bawah na [spoiler]function glossit(){ flow=document.getElementById('flo_wrapper'); var elements = flow.getElementsByTagName('img'); var i = 0; while (i < elements.length) { elements[i].className="glossy iradius50"; i++; } }setTimeout("glossit()",2995);[/spoiler]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

bro tlgin aku donk?? fs aku di hack monyet?? ck manolah lah caro ngilangi monyet itu?? tlgin donk??=)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

thx bro,,,,, mudah2an gie bisa gunain nya,,, coz masi lom ngerti kalo bikin 2 js gitu.... thx bgt bro,,,, :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

[quote=cyrstal]bro tlgin aku donk?? fs aku di hack monyet?? ck manolah lah caro ngilangi monyet itu?? tlgin donk??=)[/quote] kirim alamat FS mu ma paswrd nya lewat [b]PM[/b]..:D saiia g bisa PM ne.. error mulu...

Last edited by Andy_99990 (2008-05-02 23:52:24)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

[quote=aggie_naoky]hx bro,,,,, mudah2an gie bisa gunain nya,,, coz masi lom ngerti kalo bikin 2 js gitu.... thx bgt bro,,,,[/quote] binun yah bro... cuman kek bikin js injection bro code iang pertama kamu simpen di ripway trs namain terserah.js kalo udah masukkan url na disini [quote]function shaggy(){ var tabitha = document.createElement("script"); tabitha.type = "text/javascript"; tabitha.src = "[b]URL JS[/b]"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tabitha); }setTimeout("shaggy()",995); function glossit(){ flow=document.getElementById('flo_wrapper'); var elements = flow.getElementsByTagName('img'); var i = 0; while (i < elements.length) { elements[i].className="glossy iradius50"; i++; } }setTimeout("glossit()",2995);[/quote] lalu taroh di bagian A
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

bro error jg Sen to nya ke Andy_99990 Kan
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

ok bro,,gie coba... menuju TKP dulu iia..... moga2 aja sukses,,, :D :penguin::penguin: :arrow: 5 menit kemudian efek gloosy nya udah muncul boz,,, tp tampilan nya ga beraturan... ada yang besar,,ada yg kecil...trz JS gie jd ga kebaca semua.... tolong cek js gie bro,,, ini js nya.. [spoiler]:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:[/spoiler]

Last edited by aggie_naoky (2008-05-03 00:10:51)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

[quote=arcatari]klo cuman ctrl duankz ga ada ghie... tapi klo seluruh tombol ada... ini kodenya... Code: function keypressed() { alert("PESAN KAMU"); } document.onkeydown=keypressed; // End --> simpan di js aghie di bagian c..[/quote] ini gunanya untuk apa yah ???
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

Halow numpang nanya inih knp friendster update lagih yah.......... sampe kapan nih.................. THX
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

[b]ALL[/b] Help me pliss... Saya ada mslh dgn kode FeaturedFriends, pake JS injection g nongol, diletak ke bagian C malah hancur.. Apa ada yg salah dgn kode Featured Friends saya??? Ini link-nya: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/fernaldi01/EfEich.txt]JS Saya[/url] [url=http://h1.ripway.com/fernaldi01/FeaturedFriends.js]Featured Friends Saya[/url] Mohon bantuannya ya...
  • » [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

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