this was an ad-on combination of the codes undercontrol panelbuttons YM status and the version YM status sidebar of "Xdarksaint" i dunno who made the underlcontrol pannelbuttons Status but the variable that he/she used is "penyuberenang" i just give the credit to him...
ok.. this is the simple instruction..

first get your codes of YM status Undercontrol Controlpannel
like this..

second is get the code of your YM status in sidebar version
like this....
[quote]var m0="<a href=\"ymsgr:sendIM?Adriannns\">"+
"<img src=\"\""+
"align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\" ALT=\"Send me an instant message\""+
"onerror=\"this.onerror=null;this.src='';\"></a><p>cLicK tO sEnd InsTanT meSSagE to Dude dHoy ";
addBox("RIGHT","In YAHOO Msgr, Adriannns",m0,"ymstatus","2");[/quote]

Just replace the the controlpannel ym status, line.. talkin
bout this one..
<">with the codes of your control panel sidevar version..
this one..
<">The must result would be like this...
<">paste it to your js..
preview link...
i suggest to.. edit the image .gif ,it cause elongating your profile.. if you have a .gif editor try to resize it...
hope you understand ..
tzk tzk tzk..
Last edited by Adriannns (2008-03-10 08:07:59)