[color=#089bce] Comment: [Edit: Aff i thought it was Maye] Very very nice topic Karuro! We could at least see the hidden talent of some members here!

Here's mine
i'm very fascinated with chibis *teehee. I've resize the images because their original size is really big.
This is suppose to be a chibi version of me. Hahaha. Doesn't look that good.
My Bestfriend Kukai. Chibi version also.
Me and my annoying boyfriend hahaha.
I know my head's larger

* I have other stuffs like that in my computer but they're halfway done only

[li]Drew first in my sketch book[/li]
[li]Lineart by Forsakendoll© [/li]
[li]Color by Forsakendoll© [/li]
[li]I use Paint Shop Pro

My gallery: [url=http://forsaken-doll.deviantart.com/]Forsaken-doll in Deviantart©[/url]
[i]but i haven't drawn anything lately. Sorry![/i] [/color]
Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-04-17 07:38:00)