In the Backstage Area, we Mods had a discussion (im not going to discuss all the details here) about having a certain 'punishment' for members who break the [url=]FriendsterTalk Rules[/url]. There's been an emergence of rule-breakers for the past few weeks up until now and we Mods have been having problems in dealing with them. So after Sir Admin noticed our discussion, he made a new feature for FTalk.. ([i]drumroll[/i])..
[scroll][b]~ The Cursed Status Feature ~[/b][/scroll]
From Sir Admin to Mods:
[quote=admin][b]What is it?[/b]
- It's a form of punishment for a member who doesn't follow the rules. A cursed member will get [b]pop-unders/pop-ups[/b] when thew browse FriendsterTalk, and his title/rank will be changed to "Cursed" regardless his number of posts.
[b]To Mods: How to "curse" a member?[/b]
1. Go to his profile, add "cursed" (without quote) on the Admin note
2. Send him a notification message:
- The reason why he get the cursed status
- How long the cursing period
3. Post the info here ([i]refering to the Cursed Member List at the Backstage[/i])
4. Dont forget to clear his status after the cursing period ends
You have the right to curse a member who breaks the rules (spamming, abusing rep. point, etc). How long the cursing period is up to you to decide.
Please be objective and don't involve your personal opinion when making decision to curse a member.[/quote]
-> A member who had violated a rule will be informed by a Mod (either on the thread that they had committed the violation or via PM) and will be issued a [b]warning[/b].
-> A total of three (3) warnings are alotted for each member. After the warning limit had been reached by the member, we Mods will further discuss whether that said member should be 'Cursed', and a report will be sent to Sir Admin to finalize the process.
Fellow FTalkers, its easy to avoid the risk of being 'cursed'. All you have to do is to just follow the simple Forum Rules.

Suggestions and/or clarifications? Pls post them here.