i can live w/o camera too..XDD
coz i HATE taking photo..
but sumone is forcing me to taking my photos..!!
n i can't refuse it..
but i take my pics from cellphone..[/align]
can't live without my cameras .. i [b]LOVE[/b] them and i always need them [b]BADLY[/b] ..
maybe i can consider my self as a cam whore ..[/spoiler]
i always took i picture of myself or other stuffs.
i can live without a camera
see i am living now
i never have a camera
i only borrow some to my cousins & friends
and just take a picture in it,
cameras are one of my fave gadgets
but i can't afford it
[color=#f0adad]Me too..
I dont wanna have a Cellphone that dont have any camera..
Just finding for the perfect pose..