• » Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

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Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

Black Rose Dying
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on some topics without realizing it was in the wrong forums, or it almost has the same topic. for example are these: Chit-chat: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=21405&p=1]guess the rank![/url] - its a guessing game, its a game. and not to mention who made the first reply. [url=http://theftalk.com/post.php?fid=3]Ask And Answer Thread[/url] - obviously its a game. its not a discussion. and not to mention again who made the first reply. [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=23510&p=1]give a name![/url] - again, its a game. [url=http://theftalk.com/t23827-User-name-chain%21.html]User name chain![/url] - its a game. [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=17939&p=1]blend your username w/ the username above you[/url] - enough said... [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=16526&p=1]tell a lie...[/url] - another game. [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=17279&p=1]spell your name backwards..[/url] - im getting tired... [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=18868&p=1]sPeLl ur nAme in jApanese aLphabet.....[/url] - game Now. let me explain. Chit-chat is for general discussion, it isn't a place for games. Forum games involves: Guessing Doing something in the next/above poster, like describing, combining, claiming etc. Alphabetically/Chronologically/Numerically arranging something, even if its a politicians name, singer, a song, a book etc. for example is this [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=608&p=1]A-Z song titles[/url] yes it includes music, but you have to realize its more of a game. Its not a discussion about music. The description "talk about music" doesn't apply in this thread, because it's a game. I couldn't believe that those games above, had been in the Chit-chat forum for quite awhile, or should i say for a long time?... Moderators should know which is a game or not. Chit-chat should have topics discussing about something. I hope all members here know what the word "discuss" means. Moderators should have the ability to move topics from forum to forum. Well if they do have that ability, then they should be more observant and responsible. PS. I already reported about those topics but no action had been taken yet, so I thought I need to make this, so not only the mods, but also the members, know the difference between the forums. PSS. I hope a mod won't say they are busy thats why they haven't moved those topics yet. Thats a lame reason. They had replied in that topic a bunch of times so it thus mean they aren't busy that time yet they didn't move it. So the reason about being "busy" isn't going to work. And those are less than 10 topics. it isn't hard to move. ----------------------------------- Another issue: About the rules. As we all know there is a sticky of rules on every forums here, that annoying thing is, why are there replies in the rules. There shouldn't be any replies, except for an additional rule. Even mods should not reply in there, unless he/she is gonna add something to the rule. It makes the rules-sticky look so messy. If they wanna clarify something they could just pm the rules-creator. but if they had posted, mods should delete the post after a day or so after it is answered. So it won't be messy.

Last edited by forsakendoll (2009-12-02 15:19:49)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

I'm not a mod but I kinda agree with you.. wait.. one issue! [quote]About the rules. As we all know there is a sticky of rules on every forums here, that annoying thing is, why are there replies in the rules. There shouldn't be any replies, except for an additional rule. Even mods should not reply in there, unless he/she is gonna add something to the rule. It makes the rules-sticky look so messy. If they wanna clarify something they could just pm the rules-creator. but if they had posted, mods should delete the post after a day or so after it is answered. So it won't be messy.[/quote] Well, I think they just want opinions.. and I think the topic will expire if there are no replies =D [quote]Chit-chat: guess the rank! - its a guessing game, its a game. and not to mention who made the first reply. Ask And Answer Thread - obviously its a game. its not a discussion. and not to mention again who made the first reply. give a name! - again, its a game. User name chain! - its a game. blend your username w/ the username above you - enough said... tell a lie... - another game. spell your name backwards.. - im getting tired... sPeLl ur nAme in jApanese aLphabet..... - game[/quote] Why didn't the mods delete this.. Chitchat should be about friendster not for having fun with nonsense.. Mods are becoming idduno.. uhh!!
Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

Oh Yeah. I have seen that thread. Well. It has been long time the thread was made. And of course. The Mods in the Chit-Chat section have their own reason. Why they don't move it to Fun Corner until this time. But if I'm one of the Mods in ChitChat, I'll move it to Fun Corner. :D [quote]About the rules. As we all know there is a sticky of rules on every forums here, that annoying thing is, why are there replies in the rules. There shouldn't be any replies, except for an additional rule. [b]Even mods should not reply in there, unless he/she is gonna add something to the rule.[/b] It makes the rules-sticky look so messy. If they wanna clarify something they could just pm the rules-creator. but if they had posted, mods should delete the post after a day or so after it is answered. So it won't be messy.[/quote] I reply those topics because I think the Mods in Chit-Chat section are agree with this topic. =|
Black Rose Dying
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

[quote]Well, I think they just want opinions.. and I think the topic will expire if there are no replies[/quote] [b]Rules-stickies should be closed right away when its made[/b], any suggestion should be made here (in the suggestion foum). Opinions are not much needed, rules are rules, we don't care if you think its good or bad, if you will follow it or not, unless you have some suggestion to make it better then post it in the suggestion forum. and no, the topic won't expire, its a sticky, its always near at the top of the page. The point is, the rules should be neat, and I can't believe that even the rules here are spammed. [quote]Chitchat should be about friendster not for having fun with nonsense..[/quote] Chit-chat is about [b]any thing to be discussed[/b] except friendster, music, anime, games etc as there are forums for those. [quote]I reply those topics because I think the Mods in Chit-Chat section are agree with this topic.[/quote] I don't get what you mean by that.XD but oh well, the rules should be neat, thats the point, again.=) [quote]But if I'm one of the Mods in ChitChat, I'll move it to Fun Corner.[/quote] hmm... you're a mod in music forum right? do you have the ability to move topics from the music forum to Fun Corner forum? If so, please move the A-Z song topic there.^^

Last edited by Black Rose Dying (2008-03-15 08:16:14)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

i agreed :exclaim: ___________________________________________________ dont under estimate everything you see for you might blinded stars might be little since its far, look closely and your gone... ___________________________________________________

Last edited by bearsharie (2008-03-15 07:53:19)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

thats why there are mods in every section, but some are too lazy to do thier part, some mods, because they are "enjoying posting" they forgot that chit chat section is i believe a discussion? nd not a game yet they still post on some game threads there and i noticed here some mod speaks like there are sooo perfect, untouchables lols :lol: and i believe some topics there doesnt belong there like : -whose that member you are missing now -what is your favorite forum here i believe these two belongs to underground section since they are talking there about member crushes, members confessions etc.. i noticed also in friendster underground this topic -> "when do girls fallin in love!!!!!!" i believe that topic belongs to boys and girls section , correct me if im wrong :P and still a lot to mention =| but again correct me if im wrong :D im just a lurker here looking for layouts sometimes i want to post but no time coz i have a job =)
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

those were nice ideas guys.. i think those threads should be moved on their proper locations becaus aside from the fact that it is located on a wrong thread... members who wants to join that specific fun thread will be having confusions on what and where section do they have to go in order to find that specific thread.. chit chat sec are only for general discussion.. i think any topic can be allowed to post in there as long as it is about discussions not games or whatsoever :wallbash: .... whats the use of the fun corner then?... i observed that there are less people who visited the fun corner sections than the others coz the games and 'just for fun thread' is often located at the chit chat and the Philippine section :wallbash: :penguin: mine was just a [i]reaction[/i] :penguin:

Last edited by HiLyNkAwAii (2008-03-15 08:43:10)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

First thank you for being concerned enough to post a topic about this. :) I see in the guess the rank thread i was the first who replied. And it was on February 12, 2008, in which i wasn't a Mod yet. :ninja: Like sis deathwish4MCR-freak-dude i replied coz the i thought since it wasnt closed i thought it was ok. =| an honest mistake.

Last edited by ducheszv (2008-03-15 08:49:37)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

I just noticed that too. I didn't do anything about it because I don't moderate that section. Don't worry. I will add that section to my responsibilities since almost all of the moderators in that section are busy with their own lives (studies, work, etc.) By the way, I just want to say that I am doing 11 out of 36 sections in this forum. I will moderate that section so I could please you guys. It's just that I can't take feedbacks like that. We are doing the best as we can even if we only have little time for these. Anyway thanks for the feedback.
Black Rose Dying
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

[quote]I see in the guess the rank thread i was the first who replied. And it was on February 12, 2008, in which i wasn't a Mod yet. ninja Like sis deathwish4MCR-freak-dude i replied coz the i thought since it wasnt closed i thought it was ok. smirk an honest mistake.[/quote] Oh, why haven't I thought of that... I'm sorry I didn't realized that. -kills ownself- xD [quote]I just noticed that too. I didn't do anything about it because I don't moderate that section. Don't worry. I will add that section to my responsibilities since almost all of the moderators in that section are busy with their own lives (studies, work, etc.) By the way, I just want to say that I am doing 11 out of 36 sections in this forum. I will moderate that section so I could please you guys. It's just that I can't take feedbacks like that. We are doing the best as we can even if we only have little time for these. Anyway thanks for the feedback.[/quote] I'm glad to hear/read that, you may close this now, since the problem is being dealt with.^^
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

Alright then. Another one goes on my load. Geez. It's like im a global moderator. haha.. As requested, this topic is now locked

Last edited by eehjhay (2008-03-15 09:14:06)

  • » Original Title: [i]Some problems of the site[/i] I believe moderators should be more informed and given more knowledge about the differences of forums. No offense. But I noticed they just reply on so

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