Credits: All goes to our good friends [b]AngelDeVille[/b] and [b]Arch[/b]
Compatibility: All major browser..

Typewriter effect for your comments
Full code.. insert below all your js codes

Typewriter effect for your About me Section
Full code.. insert below all your js codes

try it everywhere.. refer below
[quote=Angell de Ville]look for this part:[quote]function clearIt(){
tSpan = document.getElementById('[color=red]content_18[/color]')
cSpan = tSpan.getElementsByTagName('[color=green]li[/color]')[/quote]
REMEMBER [color=red]RED[/color] is for [color=red]RED[/color] and [color=green]GREEN[/color] is for [color=green]GREEN[/color].
[color=red]RED PART[/color] is the target division
[color=green]GREEN PART[/color] is the element to animate
1. All Division Headers
2. Controlpanel Buttons
3. More About Section
4. Shoutout Box
5. Controlpanel Box (buttons, login details and recent updates included)
6. Photo Gallery (Images included)
7. Friends (images included)
8. Fan Profiles (images included)
9. Groups (text only)
10. Groups (images and links)
there you go... you may also experiment with other divisions and elements... thanks to Archer for this flexible script...[/quote]
[b]FTalker:[/b] Can i have both codes at the same time?

[b]Blurrycloud:[/b] Yes.. but you have to change some of the syntax of first code or the 2nd code..
[b]FTalker:[/b] How is that?

[b]Blurrycloud:[/b] here are some of the syntax inside this code
[quote]tSpan replace to tSpan2
cSpan replace to Cspan2
toSpan() replace to toSpan2()[/quote]
[b]FTalker:[/b] Waa i tried but i can't do it

[b]Blurrycloud:[/b] Just wait for my update okie.. for a while you can choose one option code above... i need to have my nap

im still a human too..[/quote]
Thanks... much love...
Last edited by blurrycloud (2008-09-13 07:15:13)