You can use the "Add as a Friend" add-on
[quote]<script type="text/javascript">
FAucode="[b]Add me as a friend[/b]";
<div id="FAlinkid"></div>[/quote]
If you want the link to be an image instead of text, modify the codes like this:
[quote]<script type="text/javascript">
FAucode="[i]<img src='[b]URL_of_the_IMAGE_here[/b]' width='[b]100[/b]' height='[b]100[/b]' border='[b]0[/b]'>[/i]";
<div id="FAlinkid"></div>[/quote]
Also remember to change the URL, the width, the height, and the border to suite your image's properties.
This add-on will not appear if you are viewing your own overlay and if the viewer is already added in your friendslist
Last edited by eehjhay (2008-03-19 18:15:24)