What version of VB are you using right now? Version 6? 2003? .NET? 2005? Or 2008?
I have an Express Edition of Visual Studio (including VB) installed on my desktop PC right now...

Oh yeah, what VB project are you doing right now?
Edit: If you're a Visual Studio ExpressEdition user like me, I hope these will help:
[url]http://www.functionx.com/[/url] - Tutorials for VS programming languages (inc. VB)
[url]http://www.microsoft.com/express/[/url] - Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition website
[url]http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx[/url] - MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) Home Page, there you will find general help.
Last edited by lusanto_bluzone (2008-03-22 14:55:04)