• » Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

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Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

Title: nice and simple Theme:red for the background and for the text its up to you to what is visible in the background Images: [url]http://images.animanga.nu/fanart/2256/trigun_32_1024.jpg[/url] (as background) [url]http://qirien.icecavern.net/anime/trigun/TriGun.jpg[/url] (as banner) Other Details: welcome to my page alert msg crosshair cursor right click alert message randomize primary picture gothic tweaks and some js tricks colored scrollbars -face,highlight,arrow,track color: black -3dlight,shadow,darkshadow color: red; sorry if im demanding

Last edited by aerrol26 (2008-03-25 21:04:37)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

my request.. Title: Ken Levin Theme: simple white/black Images: -Image1: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/6299/welcomejv3.jpg (head image) -Image2: http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/9499/profileap4.jpg (sample) -Image3: http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/3644/backgroundbe3.jpg (background) Other Details: welcome to my page alert msg (Welcome to Ken Levin's profile) ..please send me a pm or email when the layout is ready:D thx..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

[align=center]ohh. gudluck with this thread. :) the creators will be challenge to make your requests. :P uhm i'll soon request. ahihi. :eh:[/align]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

Title: Scream0 Theme: Dark/ Black Images(Banner): http://s145.photobucket.com/albums/r210/l-Juan-l/?action=view&current=Screamo-016.gif (Background): http://s210.photobucket.com/albums/bb12/angel35301/?action=view&current=ryu8Ez557446-032.jpg Other Details: >Simple Layout w/ JS tricks >And make the (Who I Want To Meet) scrollable >And make the pictures black & white and transparent. . . . >And put it an Randomized Friends >And pls put a friendstertalk chatbox Thnx....

Last edited by raqas (2008-03-28 01:02:33)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

title: E a z y Theme: red images: http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i121/alterfebe/Trigun.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j207/written_soul/Anime/Trigun/trigun.jpg http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f218/Teh_Spiff/Trigun/trigun.png other details: welcome note po sana meron and scrollable po ung who i want to meet Simple Layout w/ JS tricks un lang po mga idol plss plss thnx po... more power! send me po the code if done na po sa mephoocry@yahoo.com thnx po~
xNdrA. ,, <3
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

Title: ..dOta gurL. ;) Theme: dota layout for girls.. Images: it`s up to you. :) Other Details: alert messages., disabled right click.. ..put some tweaks.. any tweaks will do. :) .just make it a little bit girly.. by the way, rylai && lina are my fave heroes.. ..thanks in advance :) *im addicted to DOTA.. haha..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

...uhmmm... ...eejay.... ...where can we find our request... ...if its granted?... :arrow: sorry for the double post
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

Can i request too?? Title: IM a PLAYBOi Theme: PLAYBOY^_^ Image: banner=http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:2l6Ip7h0CbziMM:http://www.layoutsandmore.net/Images/Contact_Tables/thumbs/Playboy.jpg Other Detail: Simple w/ js tweaks.. viewers pic and etc plzz plzzz plzz make it.... http://www.theheartofgold.org/floyfloy/foto/blog/playboy_jazz_festival_400.jpg
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

wOooH!! thank u sOo much for dis thread this is what i'm Looking for...!!! =(can i request a Layout? if your not busy... uhmmmm for the banner: title: sHamiCh14 image: http://www.friendster.com/photos/40057431/1/536426728 add on: sLipper coLor bLack with petaLz for the background: image: http://photos-431.friendster.com/e1/photos/13/47/40057431/1_738966218l.jpg http://photos-431.friendster.com/e1/photos/13/47/40057431/1_583310933l.jpg http://photos-431.friendster.com/e1/photos/13/47/40057431/1_442302623l.jpg theme: bLack bLue and pink other details: alert messages disabled right click put some tweaks just make it a little bit girly put sOme animation sOrry if i'm demanding..!! gEh thankz in advance i'LL wait!!! pm me if it's finished:D

Last edited by michelle_dedumo (2008-03-28 23:20:27)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

Title: Vit'z_Metal_Zone Theme: Dark/ Black Images: http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk282/vit_alian/Begajul334-001.jpg http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk282/vit_alian/Rin2341-001.jpg http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk282/vit_alian/Woww138.jpg (Background): http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g129/timzworld/Heavy-Metal-Posters.jpg Other Details: >Simple Layout w/ JS tricks >make the (Who I Want To Meet) scrollable >make the pictures black & white and transparent >put it an Randomized Friends >pls put a friendstertalk chatbox >right click alert message >and who is view me thnx be4 =)

Last edited by vit_aliant (2008-03-28 23:49:31)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

[b]Pls follow the given format here.[/b] [b]Posts by Naruichi21 & yondaime4th deleted: not following the proper format.[/b] =|
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

[quote=-hopeless-.:romantic:.]...uhmmm... ...eejay.... ...where can we find our request... ...if its granted?... :arrow: sorry for the double post[/quote] Layout makers may either PM you or reply to this topic.
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

request pls... Title: One proud momma Theme: Kawaii/ Black & Pink Images: http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii282/markisha_xyza/1_490088329l.jpg http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii282/markisha_xyza/1_906682151l.jpg http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii282/markisha_xyza/1_641636109l.jpg its up to you what pic will you put on it.. Other Details: >Simple Layout w/ JS tricks >w/animation >w/ clock on it >alert message/welcome note >make the pictures cloudy.. is dat what u call it?? like a cloud frame.. hehe. sorry dont know what kind of effect is that. >put it an Randomized Friends >pls put a friendstertalk chatbox >viewers pic thank you so much..=)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

Title: Miss Mayhem Theme: pink and black Images: http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s108/Angels_photo_album/skull.jpg http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m214/hannahs_pixx/wings%20and%20faeries/heart.jpg Other Details: with banner.. :D unscrollable personal details pls and thank u..:)

Last edited by jamirah (2008-03-28 23:26:44)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

Title: Rockin' it out for the ROCK Theme: Christian, Rock, Guitar Images: http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs24/f/2007/321/1/e/Petrucci_by_omenofthedeep.jpg http://k35732.deviantart.com/art/Rocking-On-Worship-21496797 Other Details: >please make the second image as the background of the whole layout, could you also add some tweaks in it like a clock, page viewer info, and a message in the beginning and the end...thanks!!!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

[align=center][/align] TITLE: ADD ME PLS. ~vivien~ THEME: kikay..color pink w/ combination of lime green IMAGES: http://photos.friendster.com/photos/20/57/61267502/1_159968566l.jpg http://photos.friendster.com/photos/20/57/61267502/1_852952468l.jpg http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb232/vammpy11/inuyasha.jpg http://photos.friendster.com/photos/20/57/61267502/1_927053821l.jpg http://photos.friendster.com/photos/20/57/61267502/1_628465846l.jpg OTHER DETAILS: WELCOME TO MY PAGE! PLS LEAVE A COMMENT OR ADD ME...THANK U! alert message TNX 4 ADVANCE I WILL SURELY LOVE UR WORK:D:eh:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

[quote=clawii]whew so many requestor amp :D well well i want to request too hehehe can i? plz =( Title: welcome to our page bibilabb Theme: kawaii lab pink and sky blue Images: banner : http://i25.tinypic.com/2mw82gy.jpg , http://i25.tinypic.com/21mzvxj.jpg , http://i27.tinypic.com/10hsps5.jpg Other Details: juz make it cute n soo kawaii and center also tenk u soo much ill be waiting hope ull do mine .. :D[/quote] Hi, [i]clawii![/i]This is not yet finished. Please PM me your URL so that i can see yours. Cause ill be adding WVM box. So here is your direct URL for [i]JS![/i] Enjoy! <">Then proceed to teh Friendster Underground Section. Next -----> Would be? [quote=ShanjiYazha]Can i request too?? Title: IM a PLAYBOi Theme: PLAYBOY^_^ Image: banner=http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:2l6Ip7h0CbziMM:http://www.layoutsandmore.net/Images/Contact_Tables/thumbs/Playboy.jpg Other Detail: Simple w/ js tweaks.. viewers pic and etc plzz plzzz plzz make it.... http://www.theheartofgold.org/floyfloy/foto/blog/playboy_jazz_festival_400.jpg[/quote] Ive PMed you. [quote=emlodee]woah.. hi i want to request =) Title: welcome to my profile.. this is melody: prinsesaviolet Theme: black and violet Images: Image1 ->bg : http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc26/melodymeigh_06/vxcb.jpg Image2- > banner : http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/8656/495347437565501td6.gif Other Details: >Simple layout with some js tricks :D hope you grant my request! :thumbsup: thank you in advance =)[/quote] You too,

Last edited by NOSIOJ (2008-03-29 03:06:43)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

Title: spiderman layout... Theme: if what is good for spiderman..... Images: http://antemeridiem.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/windowslivewriterspiderman3-f706spiderman342.jpg Other Details: plss make a layout about spiderman...u can do whatever u want..u can add photos of spiderman..but make it good...tnx...
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

Title: Just me! >> Rizz ii << Theme: kawaii ^_^ Images: For the Backgorund: http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj157/pinky_fairynew/akoyan-2.jpg http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj157/pinky_fairynew/clar.jpg http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj157/pinky_fairynew/riss.jpg Other Details: please put some tweaks.. and please put this text on the banner: "I love you! More than you love me" and the color must be black and pink.. and it is in center.. please grant my request! thank you..
  • » Ever wonder where you could post a layout request? You were confused where to post and who to ask? Then to be organized, you can post your requests here and the layout makers will decide what request

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