here's the code
<">change this [b]Clock[/b] in what header title you want
you can choose here what color you want
just replace it like this code [b]<div align="center"><embed src='' wmode="transparent" quality='high' width='106' height='26' align='middle' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage=''/></div>[/b]
and then persto paste the given code in your onload handler.
here the preview
anyone can add something like this. they just have to use the addbox generator of marfi or from other addbox script.
like andha said, you need to make it detailed.
u need to provide other necessary codes to make it work.
step by step tutorial.
thanks for sharing.
^ just genereate the HTML code of the clock..
example HTML code:
<"> generate this in Marfi's addbox generator.
This isnt really a trick i think..
I will move this to the Add Ons Section.
Thanks for sharing this with us..