Here are the requirements:
[quote]Mozilla FireFOX
and a USB connector[/quote]
ok so here are the steps to do.. FOLLOW CAREFULLY!

[quote]1. Go to your gaming site like Miniclip, Y8 or whatever

2. Now go to a game you want
3. Now do you see a file button like this?!
If you do then GOOD!
4. Now click save
5. Now it is saved to your desktop well
6. Now click the folder that looks like this

7. Now double click the folder then

8. FIND THE SWF file

9. boot up your PSP and put it to USB mode
10. Go to folders PSP>COMMON [if you dont have a COMMON folder then make one and make sure it's all caps

11. paste the SWF there
12. now you can take of your PSP
13. Now using the browser on the psp type
file:/PSP/COMMON/(name of the game).swf[/quote]