• » [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

Pages: 12

[align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

[align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

[align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[/img] [quote]This is just your basic tracker. Still room for improvement. Online/offline status, # of visits, & duration of visits are [b]not yet implemented![/b] I haven't understood those parts yet. [b]!important - Requires JS file Features:[/b] * will record N@me, @ge, s3x, L0cat!on, URL, & M00d. * will record the absolute last date & time of visit * It will record most of the time even if the user hasn't set his @g3, s3x, or l0cation properly[sup]*see image above[/sup] * carousel function - it slides once you have 5 records & up[/sup][/quote] [b]Step 0:[/b] Have a r!pway account. [b]Step 1:[/b] Create a subfolder :arrow: [b]tracker[/b] [b]Step 2:[/b] Copy & create the following files in that subfolder using ripway. [b]FILE 1[/b] - save as [b]jquery.txt[/b] <">[b]FILE 2[/b] - save as [b]jquery.jcarousel.pack.txt[/b] <">[b]FILE 3[/b] - save as [b]skin.css[/b] <">[b]FILE 4[/b] - save as [b]tracker.css[/b] <">[b]FILE 5:[/b] create an empty file - save as [b]shak.txt[/b] :/ Don't tell you're gonna copy this box <">[b]FILE 6: The PHP[/b] - copy, change [b]UR_FRIEND_ID[/b]. To find it, scan down and look for the very 1st trace of [b]<?php code[/b] - Got it? Good, now create file - save as [b]tracker.php[/b] <">[b]Step 4:[/b] Paste an addBox function into your jsfile. If you don't have one and you have a CSS file, then try this one. This is the [b]addBox1.0[/b] I created, and so far it's the only one available :wasted: [quote]function addBox(TTL,cont,syde){ rightside=document.getElementById('Table1').parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; leftside=document.getElementById('profileV1main').getElementsByTagName('td')[2]; if (syde=="right"){ htm="<br/><table class='newBox' width='455px' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bordercolor='#000000' border='0'><tr><td class='text tdborder' align='center' valign='middle' style='color:#ffffff'>"+TTL+"</td></tr><tr><td align='center' valign='middle' style='color:#ffffff'>"+cont+"</td></tr></table>"; rightside.innerHTML+=htm; } if (syde=="left"){ htm="<br/><table class='newBox' width='300px' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bordercolor='#000000' border='0'><tr><td class='text tdborder' align='center' valign='middle' style='color:#ffffff'>"+TTL+"</td></tr><tr><td align='center' valign='middle' style='color:#ffffff'>"+cont+"</td></tr></table>"; leftside.innerHTML+=htm; } }[/quote] this is the [b]addBox's CSS[/b], include it with your profile's CSS <">[b]Step 5:[/b] Copy this code & replace the 2 instances of [b]URL_TO_TRACKER.PHP[/b] :cool: They are near the bottom of this code. 1 in the [b]wvm iframe[/b] and the other in the [b]document.getElementById('wvm').src[/b] :D :thumbsup: Paste it in your js file <">[quote][b]Shakiro's Notes:[/b] As you can see in the image chan's url went into his location bcoz he hasn't specified a location :cool: but I think what matters is that his info is recorded. For [i]null[/i] moods, I'm still not sure :paranoid: It will probably not send the info to your tracker, so make sure you've [b]set your mood status[/b] before implementing :D :thumbsup: [b]!Headsup: [/b]We may need a new linker one of these days :paranoid: Oh God, I hope that never happens :wasted: Often times mysp@ce will alter the code in your linker when you're not looking. We may never have a new linker, [b]so here's my headsup:[/b] Follow the precautions I mentioned in the underground and also I suggest that if you're signed in, that you should never sign out. I think signing out can sometimes cause their server to detect for linkers :paranoid:[/quote] [b]credits: to Marfillaster[/b] as I have based alot of the PHP from his friendster version. The JS, I based from a HTML parser I found on the net and parsed the info myself :smoke: The [b]tracker.css[/b] still has [b]Shirow's[/b] name on it :lol: PEACE! :cool: :thumbsup: :wasted: That was alot of files. I think I've mentioned everything, but If it doesn't work on your proffy's, then I'll see if I can correct it by tomorrow. If it does work, then please show your appreciation by hitting the [b][color=green]green button[/color][/b]

Last edited by shakiro214 (2008-05-02 01:28:56)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

what i know, it works perfectly in ff and ie for a moment..:eh::eh::eh: n seems that my proffile in ur preview..haha :wow::wow::wow: the addbox function need to be improved litle bit..look messup in my pfoffy..:disgust: but is okey at least u manage to create it.. looks like it conflict with my css file..i need to fix it later.. thanks bro:D quite worried bout the linker:smoke: myspace really good in filtering.. im waiting more updates from urs soon..

Last edited by thephrenetic (2008-04-18 03:38:47)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

Thanks bro :lol: You have a great myspace profile [img]http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/musik/music-smiley-011.gif[/img]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

Dude,you are so a genius. I hope Myspace don't filter the linker..they are so good in doing that. Waiting for the master to share more.:eh:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

[align=center]FILE 6: The PHP - copy, change UR_FRIEND_ID. To find it, scan down and look for the very 1st trace of <?php code - Got it? Good, now create file - save as tracker.php[/align] Sir! Ican't get this:crybaby: wher I am ging to scan down to find that so called UR_FRIEND_ID? help me plesh:crybaby: thank you! Sorry noob move maybe:puke:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

[i]hoooooo..i see my pic ryt der..haha...coool[/i]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

[b]@mac.quellet[/b] scan down very slowly, you'll find it in this part of the php file. I've made it bold, so you can see it :| [quote].jcarousel-prev { display: none; } .iradius50 { position:relative; } --> </style> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="skin.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, print" href="tracker.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.txt"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.jcarousel.pack.txt"></script> <?php $phpowner="[b]UR_FRIEND_ID[/b]"; $limit=10000; $owner=$_GET["ownerID"]; $id=$_GET["friendID"]; $photo=$_GET["photo"]; $mood=$_GET["mood"];[/quote]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

Sir, here's another thing why everytime i put my friendid in my php file i can't view the page, instead a error shows>>>site res://C:WINDOWS\system32\shdclc.dll/dnserror.htm(in status) then a microsoft warning>>> Internetsite http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofilefriendid=*********cannot open:/. why is that so? did I maybe did somthing wrong with my file? what would it be:/ Thanks again!
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

:| I cannot determine the problem with such limited feedback. I need to see your myspace page & your js file
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

i'm quite lost with this, what does this mean? [quote]FILE 6: The PHP - copy, change UR_FRIEND_ID. To find it, scan down and look for the very 1st trace of <?php code - Got it? Good, now create file - save as tracker.php[/quote] literally my friend's ID? if it is, then do i have to place my friend's ID one by one?
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

My tracker's doubling.I mean it's getting a new box every second.See: www.myspace.com/testingprofile950 It's my test profile... My code: [spoiler]<">[/spoiler]

Last edited by lilprincess950 (2008-04-20 11:01:06)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

Its okey now Shak=) theres just some code doesnt fit to my lay out. Thanks a lot once again.:thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

[b]@alhakeem[/b] you need to place your own id there, that's a security measure, so that no one uses your php file. More specifically, the way that the file is coded is so that it won't record visits from any other profile but your own. It is required that you put your own id in there, or else it won't record at all =| [b]@lilprincess[/b] your linker is appending a hundred scripts to the navigationBarDiv. this will hide your linker, so that it will just append 1 script. place it at the top of your js file: [quote]document.getElementById('ProfileOccupation:').innerHTML="";[/quote]

Last edited by shakiro214 (2008-04-20 14:11:53)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

[b]@shakiro[/b] got it, thanks! [b]lilprincess[/b] thanks 2 u 2!

Last edited by alhakeem (2008-04-21 00:31:11)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

@shakiro Thanks...it works.=) This is edited...I fixed the black background..thanks @alhakeem You're welcome....glad to help.:D [spoiler]I helped him at PM people. :lol: [/spoiler]

Last edited by lilprincess950 (2008-04-21 17:36:46)

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

to prevent the box from double use this script <">then call the function like this <">its similar to [b]attachOnLoadHandler[/b] implimented in Filster lol :lol:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

is the linker still working? cause it's not working on mine. i never logged out either, it's just that everytime i go back to my space account, the sign-in box appears even if i marked the 'remember me' before hitting the login button.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

the linker is still working.. n still dnt know when they filtered it.. u just need to copy n repaste it lol=D sometimes it will revert itself:evil: so u need to check ur proffy evritime u login..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

i guess it still is, i thought it has been filtered. thanks.
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

if your linker doest work just go to underground section & read the instruction again
  • » [align=center][b]WVMySpace version 1.4[/b][/align] Viewer's Main Photo Feature removed - it was causing abort for my profile in IE :disgust: [img]http://h1.ripway.com/elgwapo0/images/wvmyspace.JPG[

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