[align=center][b][color=fuchsia]want to edit ur comment and put a picz on the left side
[b][color=fuchsia]ihere my friendster account..
[b][color=dodgerblue]if you find some diffecilties..
or you notice that i made a mistake...pm me..
i accept questions and complain...
but don't say bad words..
i just simple person who made a mistakes...
[b][color=fuchsia]if you don't like this post
[b][color=goldenrod]these codes is 4 friendster only..
it will not work here in friendstertalk...sowie[/color][/b]
[b][color=fuchsia]here the url

my self okei..
and the site of course=D[/spoiler]
[b][color=goldenrod]if you want to put on ur comment a reply her effect..heres the codes[/color][/b]
<">[b][color=goldenrod]visit this web. if you like to edit ur comment.or to put some aphosthrophy..and a picz on the left side[/color][/b]
[b][color=goldenrod]hope u like it..comment please[/color][/b]
Last edited by ann gillian (2008-09-17 06:07:19)