Please Visit
[url=http://the-cradle.users-board.com/]The CRADLE for more layouts[/url]
+ REPU is much appreciated!

Layout info:
Animated banners, backgrounds and cursors.
Add on boxes:
Time and Info
Visitor Counter
Friend Randomizer
Generate the CODES HERE:
[spoiler][quote]Proceed here for the generator!
Here's how to use the generator.
Just get the direct link or URL of your external file and paste in the box below. Click generate and some converted codes will be generated. After generating your codes, highlight, copy and paste them in
Media Area
After pasting, hit save and that's it.[/quote]
Screenshot: [Click image to enlarge]
<">Screenshot: [Click image to enlarge]
<">Screenshot: [Click image to enlarge]
<">Screenshot: [Click image to enlarge]
<">Screenshot: [Click image to enlarge]
<">Generate the CODES HERE:
[spoiler][quote]Proceed here for the generator!
Here's how to use the generator.
Just get the direct link or URL of your external file and paste in the box below. Click generate and some converted codes will be generated. After generating your codes, highlight, copy and paste them in
Media Area
After pasting, hit save and that's it.[/quote]
Last edited by NOSIOJ (2008-07-20 07:12:04)