hi can someone help me wit my codes. i been

tryin to embed mp3 in tiz code wit no success

"<div align= 'center'><br><img src='http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l61.gif'></DIV>";[/b][/align]
n this is the mp3 codes :
[align=center][b]<embed src=\’http://www.muzicons.com/musicon3.swf\’ width=’150’ height=’50’ menu=’false’ quality=’high’ align=’middle’ type=’application/x-shockwave-flash’ flashvars=’icon_pic=12.png&music_file=AXYGdE0F&bg_color=000000&type_of_clip=simple&text_color=CCCCCC&text_message=play+me’ wmode=’transparent’ menu=’false’ quality=’high’></embed>[/b][/align]
i even changed all the " to single ' n yet its not workin.
[align=center][b]nevermind i figure it out already

my codes were all mixed up n some were conflicted with each other

Last edited by palm3 (2008-08-18 03:25:31)