Layout Title: [color=#ff0000][b]The Hot Spot[/b][/color]

Friendster Page: [url][/url][hr]
Screen Shots:
HTML page: [url][/url]
[spoiler][sub]@ the moment., if ur using IE., u myt wana follow this link instead of the profile...[/sub]
[sub]ie/fs is kinda doin somthng crazy

C.S.S/J.S. File:
[spoiler]unfortunate strike of bad luck...i had an exceeded bandwidth...

these r jz my back up files

[spoiler][sub] edited: i forgot to include the html page

[sup]update: ...i jz recently excluded the floating image in the gloss effect...[/sup][/spoiler]
Last edited by sHy19 (2008-05-01 22:47:35)