first of all im just a [b]newbie[/b] here... delete this if useless or posted already or considered as spam
Credits to: [b]Dynamic Drive[/b]

Download js here: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/eirol219/gradualfader.js[/url]
step 1... paste this in the head section of ur page...

replace the bolded part with the link of ur gradualfader.js
step 2....
insert this before the [b]</body>[/b] tag

[b]to apply to Element(s)[/b]
[quote]put [b]class="gradualfader"[/b][/quote]
[quote]<img src="http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg35/eirol219/User.gif" width="800" class="gradualFader">[/quote]

you can apply this in all elements (i think)


[b]Warning!:[/b] im not sure with this but i've tried to apply this in my music player and my music player always reset!

live preview: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/eirol219/example.htm[/url]
^in my preview... applied elements: banner, cbox, WVM cbox,.....
i think it works on major browsers
Credits to [b]Dynamic Drive[/b]