• » numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

Pages: 12344

numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arrow: [b]6 sekawan[/b] :arrow: [b]my self[/b] preview : :arrow: http://profiles.friendster.com/langalone ( klik pada box futured friendnye _LaNg_....kemudian klik pada tulisan [b]klik aja[/b]) :arrow: http://h1.ripway.com/ndy05/langtracker/friends.html [u][b]langkah pertama :[/b][/u] copy paste kode berikut d notepad : [quote]<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="description" content="Click here to get free source code, friendstertalk forum"> <meta name="keywords" content="free JavaScript, friendster forum, JavaScript and css tutorial"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0"> <title>[b]My Featured Friends[/b]</title> </head> <body bgcolor="[b]#000000[/b]"> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> var currentpos=0,alt=1,curpos1=0,curpos2=-1 function initialize(){ startit() } function scrollwindow(){ if (document.all) temp=document.body.scrollTop else temp=window.pageYOffset if (alt==0) alt=1 else alt=0 if (alt==0) curpos1=temp else curpos2=temp if (curpos1!=curpos2){ if (document.all) currentpos=document.body.scrollTop+1 else currentpos=window.pageYOffset+1 window.scroll(0,currentpos) } else{ currentpos=0 window.scroll(0,currentpos) } } function startit(){ setInterval("scrollwindow()",10) } window.onload=initialize </script> <p align="[b]center[/b]"><strong><font face="[b]comic sands[/b]"; color="[b]#ffff00"[/b]>[b]__LaNg's Featured Friends: [/b]</font></strong></p><br> <p align="[b]center[/b]"><a href='[b]URL FS TEMEN KAMU[/b]'><img src='[b]URL FOTO TEMEN KAMU[/b]' style='width:[b]100px[/b];height:[b]100px[/b];'> <font face="[b]comic sands[/b]"; color="[b]#ffff00[/b]"><br><strong> [b]NAMA TEMEN KAMU [/b]</strong><br>[b]KOMENTAR KAMU TTG TEMEN KAMU[/b]</font></a></p></br> <p align="[b]center[/b]"><a href='[b]URL FS TEMEN KAMU[/b]'><img src='[b]URL FOTO TEMEN KAMU[/b]' style='width:[b]100px[/b];height:[b]100px[/b];'> <font face="[b]comic sands[/b]"; color="[b]#ffff00[/b]"><br><strong> [b]NAMA TEMEN KAMU [/b]</strong><br>[b]KOMENTAR KAMU TTG TEMEN KAMU[/b]</font></a></p></br> <p align="[b]center[/b]"><a href='[b]URL FS TEMEN KAMU[/b]'><img src='[b]URL FOTO TEMEN KAMU[/b]' style='width:[b]100px[/b];height:[b]100px[/b];'> <font face="[b]comic sands[/b]"; color="[b]#ffff00[/b]"><br><strong> [b]NAMA TEMEN KAMU [/b]</strong><br>[b]KOMENTAR KAMU TTG TEMEN KAMU[/b]</font></a></p></br> <p align="[b]center[/b]"><a href='[b]URL FS TEMEN KAMU[/b]'><img src='[b]URL FOTO TEMEN KAMU[/b]' style='width:[b]100px[/b];height:[b]100px[/b];'> <font face="[b]comic sands[/b]"; color="[b]#ffff00[/b]"><br><strong> [b]NAMA TEMEN KAMU [/b]</strong><br>[b]KOMENTAR KAMU TTG TEMEN KAMU[/b]</font></a></p></br> <p align="[b]center[/b]"><a href='[b]URL FS TEMEN KAMU[/b]'><img src='[b]URL FOTO TEMEN KAMU[/b]' style='width:[b]100px[/b];height:[b]100px[/b];'> <font face="[b]comic sands[/b]"; color="[b]#ffff00[/b]"><br><strong> [b]NAMA TEMEN KAMU [/b]</strong><br>[b]KOMENTAR KAMU TTG TEMEN KAMU[/b]</font></a></p></br> <p align="[b]center[/b]"><a href='[b]URL FS TEMEN KAMU[/b]'><img src='[b]URL FOTO TEMEN KAMU[/b]' style='width:[b]100px[/b];height:[b]100px[/b];'> <font face="[b]comic sands[/b]"; color="[b]#ffff00[/b]"><br><strong> [b]NAMA TEMEN KAMU [/b]</strong><br>[b]KOMENTAR KAMU TTG TEMEN KAMU[/b]</font></a></p></br> <p align="[b]center[/b]"><a href='[b]URL FS TEMEN KAMU[/b]'><img src='[b]URL FOTO TEMEN KAMU[/b]' style='width:[b]100px[/b];height:[b]100px[/b];'> <font face="[b]comic sands[/b]"; color="[b]#ffff00[/b]"><br><strong> [b]NAMA TEMEN KAMU [/b]</strong><br>[b]KOMENTAR KAMU TTG TEMEN KAMU[/b]</font></a></p></br> <p align="[b]center[/b]"><a href='[b]URL FS TEMEN KAMU[/b]'><img src='[b]URL FOTO TEMEN KAMU[/b]' style='width:[b]100px[/b];height:[b]100px[/b];'> <font face="[b]comic sands[/b]"; color="[b]#ffff00[/b]"><br><strong> [b]NAMA TEMEN KAMU [/b]</strong><br>[b]KOMENTAR KAMU TTG TEMEN KAMU[/b]</font></a></p></br> <p> </p> </body> </html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">[/quote] ( kamu bisa masukin friend kamu sebanyak2nya....) ganti kata2 yg d [b]bold[/b] sesuai dengan selera kamu kemudian [b]save as[/b] dengan nama [b]friends.html[/b] dan upload ke hosting kamu masing2.... [u][b]langkah kedua :[/b][/u] copas kode d bawah ini pada bagian B sesuai dengan referensi bang kanal [quote]var friends="<center></br><a href=\"javascript:openfriend()\"><font face=\"[b]times new roman[/b]\" color=\"[b]#fffffe[/b]\" size=\"4\"><blink>[b]klik aja d sini[/b]</blink></font></a></br></center>"; addBox("RIGHT","[b]My Featured Friends[/b]",friends,"friendss", null);[/quote] edit kata2 yg d [b]bold[/b] sesuai keinginan kamu jika ingin add box ini menggantikan box friends masukan kode ini d CSS kamu [quote].friends{display:none;}[/quote] kemudian ganti sibbling d add box [b](null)[/b] kamu dgn [b]sibbling box friend kamu[/b] [u][b]langkah ketiga :[/b][/u] copas kode berikut pada bagian C di JS kamu [quote]function openfriend(){ //set this to the file of the friend var friendfile="[b]URL FILE YANG TADI KALIAN UPLOAD[/b]" if (document.all) friendwindow=window.open(friendfile,"","width=[b]445[/b],height=[b]250[/b]") else friendwindow=window.open(friendfile,"","width=[b]445[/b],height=[b]250[/b],scrollbars") }[/quote] ganti kata yg d [b]bold[/b] dengan url kode yg kalian upload tadi [i](friend.html)[/i] [u]kode ini hanya modifikasi dari kode nye[/u] [b]bro andry[/b] pada [i]thread credit screen on your profile[/i] silahkan mencoba n smoga berhasil.... :thumbsup: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]UPDATE[/b] script d atas juga bisa d aplikasikan k [b]groups[/b] ..... niy preview nye :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/ndy05/langtracker/group.html]My gRoups[/url] :arrow: [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/langalone]fs gw[/url] scriptnya sama dengan script fetured friends on screen cm ganti ini aja koq [quote]url foto teman = url foto group kamu nama teman = nama group kamu url fs teman = url group kamu komentar = keterangan ttg group kamu[/quote] [b]hanya langkah ke 3 yg tidak d gunakan [/b] [quote]function openfriend(){ //set this to the file of the friend var friendfile="URL FILE YANG TADI KALIAN UPLOAD" if (document.all) friendwindow=window.open(friendfile,"","width=445,height=250") else friendwindow=window.open(friendfile,"","width=445,height=250,scrollbars") }[/quote] [i]kode ini tidak usah d gunakan lagi d CSS kamu[/i] script add box nye [quote]var groups="<center></br><a href=\"[b]URL HTML GROUP KAMU[/b]\" target=\"blank\"><font face=\"[b]times new roman[/b]\" color=\"#[b]ffff00[/b]\" size=\"4\"><blink>[b]KLIK D SINI[/b]</blink></font></a></br></center>"; addBox("RIGHT","My groups",groups,"groupss",null);[/quote] ganti kata yg di [b]bold[/b] sesuai dengan selera kamu jika ingin add box ini ingin menggantikan box group masukin kode ini d CSS kamu [quote].groups {display:none;}[/quote] dan ganti sibbling add box [b] null [/b] dgn sibbling box friend kamu niy sibbling asli FS [quote]Available siblings left side (mainbar) "0" = controlpanel "1" = photos "13" = blog "12" = reviews "6" = moreabout "18" = publiccomments "10" = scrapbook right side (sidebar) "15" = meettrail "2" = friends "14" = ads "8" = groups "7" = fan[/quote]

Last edited by __LaNgaLoNe__ (2008-05-16 14:47:13)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

first comment :o wew another feature friend nice job brada :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: opp [i]creditnya ga nahann[/i] [img]http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/11.gif[/img]

Last edited by indomie (2008-04-29 13:48:03)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

[b]@second comment[/b] mantabh bro..... tar aq coba klo gagh bsa aq kembali lagi ya.... meluncur ke hosting................... :penguin: :penguin:
Co_don SanAdH
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

wuaahhh :o mantebh sobh :thumbsup::cool: good job makin cinta dah gw ma lo, terima neh :rose:[img]http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/11.gif[/img] :wow: thanks for share :thumbsup::D alternative featured friends :cool:
orang baek hati
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

tank's for share broo..!! nice job broo..! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

=) thx indomie my bradah.... =) satriya : d tunggu man
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

:o :o :o :o bisa jg dirimu unjuk gigi biasanya cuma jadi bang Jago =D =D wew thx bro tingkatkan trs imajinasimu :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

:arrow: doni,org baek hati...n my ibliz... :thumbsup: ur welcome :lol: cm modifikasi aja koq man
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

[quote=__LaNgaLoNe__]:arrow: doni,org baek hati...n my ibliz... :thumbsup: ur welcome :lol: cm modifikasi aja koq man[/quote] wew [b]6 sekawan yg TOP MODEL FTI[/b] emank bisa di andelin manusia2nya :lol: :lol:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

thx 4 shar bro.... :thumbsup::thumbsup: nice trick =) meluncur ke TKP ah... :penguin:
Ladeva XIII
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Tuh buat lo smua Lang :D Salut =)=) Ogud report lagi ntar abiez dari TKP yah :) Bravo Lang (wong Jambie) =D=D=D
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

:lol: uda kriss.......... d tunggu reportnye da.... :arrow: Dongkrak : makasih masukannye man

Last edited by __LaNgaLoNe__ (2008-04-29 15:30:40)

Co_don SanAdH
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

[quote=__LaNgaLoNe__][b][color=#ff0000]Dongkrak[/color][/b] : makasih masukannye man[/quote] :wallbash: ga ad yg laen apa lang :crybaby: :D sip mann :wow:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

mmm.. matap broth...:D:thumbsup: mau coba agh...:penguin:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

thanks kak [b]__LaNgaLoNe__[/b] kayanya mantab neh kodenya mu nyuba ah... :penguin:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

=) muup ye...preview yg d profile fs gak bisa d liad soalnye fs gw lagi maintenance :D :arrow: andy n cah bagus : ur welcome bradah :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

:arrow: [b]All[/b] Bro, Ak masih bingung neeh??? :o:o trus klo pake WVM 2.1 bisa ga yah?? :paranoid:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

[quote=oneal-chuby]:arrow: [b]All[/b] Bro, Ak masih bingung neeh??? :o:o trus klo pake WVM 2.1 bisa ga yah?? :paranoid:[/quote] :eh: man gak make wvm2-an niy kode... :eh: salah masuk thread kale =) :arrow: [b]preview yg d profile fs dah bisa d liat lagi...[/b] :penguin: kelar maintenenance nye........

Last edited by __LaNgaLoNe__ (2008-04-29 23:30:17)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

Thx for sharink bro !
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

krennn--krennzz bro... coba ah,,,,,,,,
  • » numpang share ye.... mods klo threadnye kurang berkenan tolong d apus aje... credit to : :arrow: [b]bro andry[/b] in thread credit screen on your profile :arrow: [b]my master : stright.plus[/b] :arro

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